Are you running a dedicated server? Yes
What version of ULX and ULib do you have? ULX:3.0 ULib:2.01
What version of Gmod do you have? Garry's Mod 10
Status:hostname: Building Server [Norway]
version : 2949 secure
udp/ip :
map : gm_construct at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
players : 1 (4 max)
# userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state adr
# 2 "?oysoldier" STEAM_0:0:8209612 10:09 36 0 active
lua tprint( gUsers ):It only says: "Unknown command: lua"
server\garrysmod\lua\ULib\users.txt:"STEAM_0:0:8209612" "" "abcdefghijklmn" "c"
When I join my server it says in my console:
Lua initialized (Lua 5.1)
This server is running ULib version 2.01.
ULX version 3.00 loaded.
But when i type "!adminmenu" in the chat it comes like this:
"You do not have access to this command, ?oysoldier."
What's wrong? Have i placed the users.txt at the wrong place? Has it something to do that I'm "unassigned" and not "Super Admin"?
I would appreciate if someone could help me out here.