These are some valid suggestions.
Here is the code to add the reason to the voteban.
local function voteBanDone2( t, target, time, ply, reason )
local shouldBan = false
if t.results[ 1 ] and t.results[ 1 ] > 0 then
ulx.logUserAct( ply, target, "#A approved the voteban against #T (" .. time .. " minutes) (" .. (reason or "") .. ")" )
shouldBan = true
ulx.logUserAct( ply, target, "#A denied the voteban against #T" )
if shouldBan then
if reason and reason ~= "" then
ULib.kick( target, "Vote ban successful. (" .. reason .. ")" )
ULib.kick( target, "Vote ban successful." )
ULib.ban( target, time, (reason or "") )
Search for that function in ULX\lua\ulx\modules\sh\vote.lua and replace the code with what is in the brackets above. Normally overriding default code is not advised, but I'm not sure if writing this into a module would load before or after the default code is loaded. Also, note, that if you update ULX this will be overridden with the default code and you'll have to modify it again.