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Groups vs. Teams - Why having an owner group is useless and stupid

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This thread is here because:

Even though you set up your ULX groups correctly and they are working the way you want them to, if you ever installed a different 3rd party addon that had admin privileges, it MAY give you superadmin access because ULX overwrites how IsSuperAdmin works to include derivative groups, however your superadmins would also have top level access. You would not be able to change this even if you wanted to without editing the lua files of the addon you installed.

My point I was trying to make is that GarrysMod (Not ULX) handles superadmin as THE root group. If you want to be an 'owner' the best way to do that is to relabel superadmin as 'Owner' with UTeam or whatever else handles teams for your gamemode.

If you've had no issues with the way you have yours set up, you should be thankful. You are either very lucky, or have more working knowledge of ULX/LUA than most of the users that come here.

Could i rename the superadmin group and it still have a;; the same permissions and i wouldnt have to change anything in side the server. or would that screw everything. Becasue i would like my owner calss to be called Dictator. With all the permissions

Simply put, It would break everything.
Gmod expects and programs for three groups - superadmin, admin, and user.
All other groups are custom, and no 3rd party script is guaranteed to have any idea what they are if not one of those three.

Basically Dartouious, the point I am trying to make is that in gmod a group is not a team.

You could CALL your superadmin group Dictator using something like UTeam and it would appear as that in the scoreboard while remaining superadmin in the code. As long as you don't rename the GROUP you should be fine.

The problem is when server owners want to have a group higher than superadmin, and then they complain when some things don't work properly.

And UTeam isn't made for other gamemodes than Sandbox because, well, they have thier own teams which UTeam would break.
Simply put, renaming superadmin or admin group breaks stuff


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