Recently a new topic about this was created, he was told to re-post it on his original thread. I decided to help him out and just quote it here...Hey guys im here to bring back the in-game log checking here are some photos and a command could be !logs
Please look at these pictures and see if you can make it
I think a nice way to manage the data would be to load it in chunks and then provide a simple load more button. That way it would reduce the lag that would be caused by sending too much data to a client.
Also if I may suggest some alternatives...
1. Download the files using FTP and then viewing them in a program such as Notepad++ (It has a very decent search feature that allows you to search in multiple files and display all the items that where found in a separate window.)
2. Create a webpage where one could see the log files, then you could simple use the method below to show them in game...
-- Taken from
HTMLTest = vgui.Create( "HTML" )
HTMLTest:SetPos( 50,50 )
HTMLTest:SetSize( ScrW() - 100, ScrH() - 100 )
HTMLTest:OpenURL( "" )
Also as the description for
DHTML* implies you can do an extra Lua check to see if the "requester" is an admin or not.
* "VGUI HTML Panel using Awesomium. Capable of running Lua input from the webpage"