Author Topic: Noclip  (Read 13705 times)

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Offline nyan

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« on: June 23, 2013, 10:02:16 AM »
Hello! So I am working on bringing up a server (DarkRP) and so far it's going great. I'm just having one issue with noclip. All of the other admin ranks are able to noclip, but the rank I made (owner) is not able to despite having more abilities than all of the other ranks. I'm not entirely sure how to fix this.

Offline LuaTenshi

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Re: Noclip
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2013, 10:13:48 AM »
Hello! So I am working on bringing up a server (DarkRP) and so far it's going great. I'm just having one issue with noclip. All of the other admin ranks are able to noclip, but the rank I made (owner) is not able to despite having more abilities than all of the other ranks. I'm not entirely sure how to fix this.

Are there any errors? What exactly happens when you try to no-clip? Are you using "ulx noclip" or just "noclip"?
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Offline nyan

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Re: Noclip
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2013, 10:22:37 AM »
There are no errors. Literally nothing happens when I try. And I am trying to use regular "noclip".
Ulx noclip does work, but I have other servers that work with regular noclip and I would rather not change my binds around. As I said, it still works for my other admin groups that are there by default, just not the one I made.

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Re: Noclip
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2013, 10:56:14 AM »
There are no errors. Literally nothing happens when I try. And I am trying to use regular "noclip".
Ulx noclip does work, but I have other servers that work with regular noclip and I would rather not change my binds around. As I said, it still works for my other admin groups that are there by default, just not the one I made.

Seems like an FAdmin problem rather then a ULX problem.

And you are set above superadmin or you are set to superadmin correct?

Would it be possible for me to join your server and see whats up?
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 11:00:27 AM by HeLLFox_15 »
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Re: Noclip
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2013, 11:13:10 AM »
Please see this.

Offline nyan

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Re: Noclip
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2013, 11:31:11 AM »
Okay, how about we forget I said owner rank then as apparently people get mad at it for some reason. Let's just say I want to make another rank not above superadmin, but I still want it to be able to have noclip, and not only ULX Noclip. How would I do that?

Offline LuaTenshi

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Re: Noclip
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2013, 12:05:33 PM »
Okay, how about we forget I said owner rank then as apparently people get mad at it for some reason. Let's just say I want to make another rank not above superadmin, but I still want it to be able to have noclip, and not only ULX Noclip. How would I do that?

What is happening is that FAdmin is simply not accepting you as an admin and thus not letting you use the normal noclip. Its a common error with FAdmin, and this would be the easiest fix. How ever if you insist on having a rank above superadmin you should try setting your self as root in FAdmin...

Code: [Select]
rcon fadmin setroot <YOURNAMEHERE>
That should tell FAdmin that you are the owner of the server and that it should give you full access.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 02:33:27 PM by HeLLFox_15 »
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Re: Noclip
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2013, 01:06:33 PM »
Okay, how about we forget I said owner rank then as apparently people get mad at it for some reason. Let's just say I want to make another rank not above superadmin, but I still want it to be able to have noclip, and not only ULX Noclip. How would I do that?

No one is getting mad. If you would have read that post you would have seen that what I was trying to get across is how gmod handles admin access.

If you want a group to be seen as an admin without it BEING the admin group, you need for it to inherit admin in ULX. Any group that inherits admin will be recognized as an admin in default gmod functions as well as non-ULX addons that check admin access on a player.

If you don't want the group to have some of the commands and accesses that ULX gives to admins you would simply need to deny access to anything that admin has access to for the new group that inherits admin.

Offline nyan

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Re: Noclip
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2013, 02:04:32 PM »
No one is getting mad. If you would have read that post you would have seen that what I was trying to get across is how gmod handles admin access.

If you want a group to be seen as an admin without it BEING the admin group, you need for it to inherit admin in ULX. Any group that inherits admin will be recognized as an admin in default gmod functions as well as non-ULX addons that check admin access on a player.

If you don't want the group to have some of the commands and accesses that ULX gives to admins you would simply need to deny access to anything that admin has access to for the new group that inherits admin.

Okay, what I tried to do is make a group named "Test" and had it inherit "Admin". Yet the test group still can not noclip, but can do what the admin group can permissions-wise.

Offline LuaTenshi

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Re: Noclip
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2013, 02:32:51 PM »
Okay, what I tried to do is make a group named "Test" and had it inherit "Admin". Yet the test group still can not noclip, but can do what the admin group can permissions-wise.

I had a type in the code I gave you above try it, may be it will work for you?
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Offline nyan

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Re: Noclip
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2013, 03:17:18 PM »
I had a type in the code I gave you above try it, may be it will work for you?

It didn't seem to do anything. I also have separate ranks below superadmin that I would like to give noclip access to, is there any way I could do that. I wouldn't want them having root user abilities.

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Re: Noclip
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2013, 07:36:00 PM »
It didn't seem to do anything. I also have separate ranks below superadmin that I would like to give noclip access to, is there any way I could do that. I wouldn't want them having root user abilities.

Hmm this seems to be quite an issue, considering your running DarkRP and FAdmin seems to be causing the problems... You know you could do some thing like this in code...

Code: [Select]
hook.Add( "PlayerNoClip", "ULXNoclipConversion", function(ply)
ply:ConCommand("ulx noclip")

For the code above put that in a file noclipfix.lua in your lua/autorun and when a person runs the command "noclip" in their console it should automatically convert it to the ULX equivalent of the noclip command. (This is untested, but it should work.)

I wish you the best of luck and I hope your error will be fixed soon.
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Offline nyan

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Re: Noclip
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2013, 09:23:29 PM »
I appreciate your help HeLLFox. I tried that, it kinda works and kinda doesn't. At times it works fine, at times it will get stuck so I can't fly, and sometimes I get stuck in the air and it takes a few taps again to fix it. Getting somewhere nonetheless! haha

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Re: Noclip
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2013, 11:20:36 PM »
ULX has no control over the 'noclip' command, other than allowing the setting of the server's entire noclip mode through our settings panel.
As you mentioned, you know how to grant 'ulx noclip' access that we do have access to.
Moving this thread to off-topic.
You might get more assistance from the DarkRP/Fadmin forums regarding why your noclip isn't workng.
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