Is garry doing something separate from VAC bans, then? Since it shows that you're not VAC banned there. Sorry, I don't follow these systems very closely. 
Yes he has his own system that every one calls GAC (Garry's Anti Cheat), it is hard coded into Garrysmod. Also too be honest I would rebuy garrysmod its the Orange Box and the other games that are supposed to plug into it I would not want to rebuy...
The sad thing is that I was also working on an anti-cheat against cvar3 so I kind of had to have it on me for testing reasons... (The latest file of it got deleted when I moved my Gmod over to the new format but I still have this old thing, pretty much the first lines of it...)
timer.Create("playercheq", 10, 0, function()
for _,ply in pairs(player.GetHumans()) do
if(ply and ply:IsValid() and !ply:IsSuperAdmin()) then
timer.Create(tostring(ply:UniqueID())..tostring(math.random(9999))), math.random(5), 0, function()
ply:SendLua([[require("cvar3") if(!GetConVar( "sv_allowcslua" ) or GetConVar( "sv_allowcslua" ) != 0) then RunConsoleCommand("disconnect") end]])
ply:SendLua([[require("cvar3") if(!GetConVar( "sv_cheats" ) or GetConVar( "sv_cheats" ) != 0) then RunConsoleCommand("disconnect") end]])
I was going to have it where it would eventually just send require("cvar3") to a client and kick them if they don't get an error. (Because they would have to have the Cvar3 module to not get the error...)
Also, sorry but recently I have noticed that the image host I was using for my icon and signature was making the site load very slow for some people, so I changed hosts to imgur for my signature and deviantart for my profile picture. So if any one was complaining that the site was loading slow at times then that error should be fixed now.--snip--
Ironically I got the ban just as a finished helping a friend setup a server and was trying to join to see if it was working and to help him set up ULX.
And what really bothers me is that no one that I know who has actually used cvar3 and other modules to bypass Script Enforce hasn't been banned... Its like karma is hating on me for some thing... but IDK what.
I wounder if I should link this thread to Garry, but I have a feeling that he probably won't even look...
I have posted on Facepunch @ they actually read it instead of banning me...