Author Topic: Very Basic TDM [Gamemode]  (Read 12459 times)

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Offline Bite That Apple

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Very Basic TDM [Gamemode]
« on: August 17, 2013, 07:51:57 AM »
This gamemode is from a skelton gamemode, and was a very basic Team Deathmatch. Now it's quite complex, and more interesting come check it out! The difference between this gamemode and other death match gamemodes can only be described in a few paragraphs:
When I created this gamemode, it was only really to test my skills, and see how far I could get till I was like, "that's nice and interesting". Well now it's come to the point that I have gotten to that point on saying it's nice and all, meaning that I can continue to update this gamemode and make it better, and worth wild for everyone. Best part is that I take suggestions to the heart, and I really try to implement most suggestions (as long as it makes sense, and it can be used for everyone).

This now is a project and with most successful projects, there is a team to go with it to accept the challenges as a team. My team is prepared to take all challenges head first, as this is there first gamemode (as well as myself).

Though, My team and I plan to re-write the entire code sometime in December to make it more user friendly like other great gamemode that we all know and love. So people can add teams much easier, and make it so it's fully customizable.

Now your part in all of this is simple. To play the gamemode, and give suggestions if needed, and report issues, glitches if needed. I plan to make this bigger over time.

If you like this addon, I would really appreciate a "Compliment" Karma which is located next to my name. That's how I know you care :)

The download is only for Steam Workshop, or SVN. I won't be updating it through attachments on the ulx forum, because it's too big.

Steam workshop page -> HERE <-
The facepunch page for this gamemode -> HERE <-
The SVN Link for this gamemode can be found -> HERE <-
-> Click Here and Join the Fun < -

This video shows a good demonstration of the gamemode.

While this video shows gameplay of the gamemode.

Type !teams or press F2 to begin the magic of the gamemode!
Rest of the commands can be seen in the commands tab within playing in the gamemode.

Code: [Select]
[*]Changelog: 1.0.0 Alpha - 1/30/12
- Created the Gamemode "Very Basic Team Deathmatch".
- Added !teams so you can pick a team to be on.

[*]Changelog: 1.0.1 Alpha - 1/30/12
- Added Utime to the gamemode, and edited to fit to the gamemodes liking
- Updated a few lines so the script runs "better"

[*]Changelog: 1.0.2 Alpha - 1/30/12
- Updated the .timer for utime so it worked more smoothly
- Added Very Basic Team Deathmatch in the single player gamemode chooser
- Added a picture for the Very Basic Team Deathmatch
- Added chat prints so if someone that doesn't know what do, ends up reading the chat screen. They will know they have to type !teams for anything to happen.

[*]Changelog: 1.0.3 Alpha - 1/31/12
- Updated it so when you change teams, it doesn't kill you.
- Updated the name from Very Basic Deathmatch to Very Basic Team Deathmatch
- Updated it so when you switch to Team: Police you get Civil Protection model.
- Updated it so when you switch to Team: Criminal you get Leet model. (model from CS:S. You don't need CS:S to play this gamemode though)
- Updated it so when anyone first joins the server, it sets your model to a Civialian model
- Updated it so when anyone first joins the server, your automatically godded until you switch teams using !teams
- Updated the derma to be able to move with your cursor

[*]Changelog: 1.0.4 Alpha 1/1/13
- Updated the menu of for !teams
- Removed the ability to move the menu with your cursor.
- Added tabs
- Added To-Do-List tab so people who don't read the todolist on here can see it on the gamemode itself.
- Added Special Thanks tab so all my little helpers can be a part of this gamemode in a way <3
- Added a table that have the following variables: Name, TeamNumber, Kills, Deaths
- Added Team Admin

[*]Changelog: 1.0.5 Alpha - 1/2/13
- Updated the table list from Name, TeamNumber, Kills, Deaths  ->  Name, Team, Kills, Deaths
- Added the ability to use voice chat
- Added team scoring (This is buggy, and currently not working very well. I'll get it fixed soon enough.)
- Updated all the files and folder, so the code is more clear to myself, and other developers.

[*]Changelog: 1.0.6 Alpha - 1/5/13
- Added Hit Markers, made by Nate - [url=http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=110871780]> Click Here for his Addon <[/url]

[*]Changelog: 1.0.7 Alpha - 1/13/13
- Removed "maps" "^gm_" from the gamemode.txt so you can still see sanbox maps.
- Added Aegis as a Co Developer of this gamemode.

[*]Changelog: 1.0.8 Alpha - 1/14/13
- [strike]Temporarily[/strike] Removed utime. [strike]till bugs have been fixed[/strike]

[*]Changelog: 1.0.9 Alpha - 1/15/13
- Added a new tab called "extras"
- Added the ability to activate/deactivate friendly fire. (kinda glitchy)
- Added the ability to toggle Hitmarkers in tab Extra
- Added the ability to press F2 to open the menu, instead of saying !teams.
- Updated all the folders so there much more sexier ;p
- Added the specific prefix to all VBTDM maps, "vbtdm_", you don't have to only use vbtdm maps though, you can use gm_ and rp_
- Added a map for the gamemode, vbtdm_boxxy
- Added the ability to have more fun :p

[*]Changelog: 1.1.0 Beta (yay!) - 1/16/13
- Created a new scoreboard, and it's epic!

[*]Changelog: 1.1.1 Beta - 1/21/13
- Updated scoreboard colours.
- Updated Friendly Fire buttons so they are less glitchy
- Added a custom made HUD made by Aegis
- Removed Police and Criminal Team
- Added Blue, Red, Green, Cyan, Purple, and Orange Team
- Added the ability to create bots (to remove them, restart the server or singleplayer)
- Added it so the Teams menu comes up at every time you join the server
- Added a first time join menu song thing

[*]Changelog: 1.1.2 Beta - 1/28/13
- Updated the HUD a little more to make it better
- Added the Admin Team button
- Added the physgun as a weapon to the Admin team.
- Added something else, but I can't remember what I did... oh well.

[*]Changelog: 1.1.3 Beta - 2/21/13
- Added teamscoring in the HUD
- Updated the HUD to make it sexier and much better
- Updated the !teams menu tab from buttons to a list!

[*]Changelog: 1.1.4 Official Release - Every version after this will be considered "builds" - 2/24/13
- Added camera's to guest for any which reason they would want to use it instead of playing
- Added ammo drops so when a player dies the ammo of the weapon they had will drop
- Added the ability to reset all scores (Admin only)
- Added the ability to start with armor for all teams (admin only) [default is on]

[*]Changelog: 1.1.5 Official Release - 4/10/13
- Removed Ammo Drop (I hate how they turned out tbh :( )

[*]Changelog: 1.1.6 Official Release - 4/18/13
- Added set spawns for teams
- Added score limit goal
- Added file keeping, so when you make changes to goal, armor, or friendly fire it saves it so you don't have to deal with it every time the server restarts
- Updated weapon system, now it's a little easier to make weapons
- New Commands Added:

[*]Changelog: 1.1.7 Official Release - 4/27/13
- Added leaderboards, type !lbs or !leaderbaords to see the stats
- Added rank, type !rank to see what rank you are in the leaderbaords
- Removed Color Teams, and added US-Army, and Wehrmacht
- Added ReadMe file in the gamemode folder

[*]Changelog: 1.1.8 Official Release - 5/5/13
- Fixed some minor bugs causing some players to start out with godmode still

[*]Changelog: 1.1.9 Official Release - **/**/**
- A spacer, nothing was really updated.

[*]Changelog: 1.2.0 Official Release - 8/15/13
- Completely changed the weapon system. Now there are classes
- Add classes
- Updated Readme
- Changed the spawn point system

[*]Changelog: 1.2.1 Official Release - 8/15/13
- Added angle position for spawn points, so they work better
- Added colors to the spawn points so you can see which team they belong to
- Added an visable command to the spawn point system, so you can check where they are, and then make them disappear when you don't want to see them. Don't worry, they still will work. !showspawnson | !showspawnsoff
- Added hands to gamemode, YES!
- Next update, I'll be using the change note tab for all the changes made in the gamemode. I'll make an annoucement about it for the next update.

Code: [Select]
Bugs from 1.0.9 Alpha
- [strike]The team scoring is currently bugged. It doesn't give an error, but it just doesn't work properly, or doesn't work at all.[/strike] - Fixed

Bugs from 1.1.1 Beta
- [strike]The materials/icons to the scoreboard may be missing, be fixed next update.[/strike] - Fixed

Bugs from 1.1.8 Official Release
- Strange glitch. Something with spawns.. I'd suggest just always have two spawns for each team, and when deleting spawns go from highest number to lowest number. I.E. 9 -> 1
I don't know what causes this error at all, I mean I have no clue whats so ever, so i really plan to never fix it. This doesn't happen as often as you would think though
« Last Edit: August 18, 2013, 04:21:30 AM by chaos13125 »
Quote from: John F. Kennedy 1963
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Offline JamminR

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Re: Very Basic TDM [Gamemode]
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2013, 06:33:25 PM »
Suggestions -
You're change logs take up a major portion of your release post - perhaps place them in a 'code' box.
I did a quick review of the other sites/links/groups you mentioned - perhaps describe in a few sentences the basic 'what makes this more fun and different than any other TDM game mode'. Why should someone try it out?
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline Bite That Apple

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Re: Very Basic TDM [Gamemode]
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2013, 04:02:58 AM »
Suggestions -
You're change logs take up a major portion of your release post - perhaps place them in a 'code' box.
I did a quick review of the other sites/links/groups you mentioned - perhaps describe in a few sentences the basic 'what makes this more fun and different than any other TDM game mode'. Why should someone try it out?

Thanks for your suggestion and advise, I've done so now.


One of my team mates is remaking the HUD, to make it look better and sexy as well.

Quote from: John F. Kennedy 1963
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.

Offline LuaTenshi

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Re: Very Basic TDM [Gamemode]
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2013, 11:29:23 AM »
I have also made a death match like game mode, but I could never really finish it... But because Open Source is all about sharing, I thought may be you may want to take a look at my code for some ideas or inspiration.

I cry every time I see that I am not a respected member of this community.

Offline Bite That Apple

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Re: Very Basic TDM [Gamemode]
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2013, 04:48:18 PM »
I have also made a death match like game mode, but I could never really finish it... But because Open Source is all about sharing, I thought may be you may want to take a look at my code for some ideas or inspiration.


Just a few questions and statements:
What was the reason for you not to finish it?
What type of gamemode was it supposed to be?
Quote from: John F. Kennedy 1963
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.

Offline chadreed93

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Re: Very Basic TDM [Gamemode]
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2013, 01:19:42 AM »
Are you still working on this? If not, I may take over this and continue coding this. It has lots of potential!

Offline Bite That Apple

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Re: Very Basic TDM [Gamemode]
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2013, 06:14:58 PM »
I've completely stopped working on this version. I have a new version that will be released on December 30th, 2013. It's called "TDM". If you look http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=116777393 you will see us discussing the new version of it.
Quote from: John F. Kennedy 1963
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.

Offline nofear1999

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Re: Very Basic TDM [Gamemode]
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2013, 12:11:52 PM »
Suggestion: Instead of it being two set teams, maybe make it so players can create teams for a certain amount of money & can join teams. Originally players are on a team by themselves, and they need to either join forces with another team, or they're stuck fending for themselves.
Every kill they get they get Money which can buy better guns/armor/perks like speed increase or they can buy team upgrades which boosts the team's stats slightly.
Teams should have a maximum of 1 member per level. Level 1 = 2 members, level 2 = 3, level 3 = 4, so on, so forth, however team captain can purchase extra member slots.
Team Captains can ally other teams and gang up on one team.
This promotes players being more than just players, it helps everyone become friends and be more social of a community.

Offline Bite That Apple

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Re: Very Basic TDM [Gamemode]
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2013, 04:26:27 PM »
Suggestion: Instead of it being two set teams, maybe make it so players can create teams for a certain amount of money & can join teams. Originally players are on a team by themselves, and they need to either join forces with another team, or they're stuck fending for themselves.
Every kill they get they get Money which can buy better guns/armor/perks like speed increase or they can buy team upgrades which boosts the team's stats slightly.
Teams should have a maximum of 1 member per level. Level 1 = 2 members, level 2 = 3, level 3 = 4, so on, so forth, however team captain can purchase extra member slots.
Team Captains can ally other teams and gang up on one team.
This promotes players being more than just players, it helps everyone become friends and be more social of a community.

Well. As I said above this post, this addon is null and void. It means nothing now, and I'm not working on this version anymore.
Quote from: John F. Kennedy 1963
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.