You have Owner as the title for superadmin and Moderator as the title for owner?
Well at first it was the other way around, but when I added and started getting problems. I thought It was like, where at the bottom, has to be user. I thought superadmin had to be on top, so I switched them. Still did not fix it. It was the closing bracket that I forgot to put. Now I can switch it back to what it was before. Owner, Superadmin, Moderator, HIGHLY Respected (admin), Members, N00b (lowest rank, but only for people that are N00bs), and Guest.
You don't have a closing bracket ( } ) for the "teams" table.
Thanks you guys have been a lot of help! (I wish I could give you a rating like in Facepunch, Lua King/ Lua Helper/ Gold Star)

Wow, it just stuns me how much human error there is in this kinda stuff.
(Well I am sorta new to this, but still)Oh yea just want to make sure I read this right, If I want a person on my server to be a 'operator', I would put: "ulx adduser <steam name> [operator]" Exactly like that, right?