Author Topic: XGUI Usergroups  (Read 2717 times)

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Offline Bite That Apple

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XGUI Usergroups
« on: November 30, 2013, 06:48:53 PM »
This isn't really an ISSUE but it sometimes happens and I do not know why.

Sometimes when I change players from said group to a new group it doesn't update itself, and that player still 'appears' to be in the group in xgui (not really in the group because ulib changes him/her and in TAB it changes.) but it just doesn't appear to update the panal like it used to.  I end up having to Refresh Server Data in the xgui tab, and then it updates everything. Could there be a reason for this issue at all, because it doesn't always happen, and I've seen this on other servers too???

If there is a reason, I'd like someone to briefly explain why?
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Offline Megiddo

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Re: XGUI Usergroups
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2013, 04:09:00 PM »
I'd like to point the blame at Stickly Man as something XGUI-related, but it's probably my fault. :(

Can you give us some steps to reproduce it consistently?
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Offline Bite That Apple

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Re: XGUI Usergroups
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2013, 04:13:55 PM »
I'm sorry, but I believe that is completely impossible. It honestly only happens randomly. I just thought maybe one of you guys could provide some sort of or any answer that would maybe make sense.

The only thing I can really tell you is my debuginfo, and that I and my test account are really the only people who play on my testing server. It just happens randomly, and I've seen it on other severs... just not sure why this happens.

Code: [Select]
ULX version: <SVN> unknown revision
ULib version: 2.52
Gamemode: Sandbox
Map: gm_construct
Dedicated server: true

Currently connected players:
Nick                            steamid            uid        id lsh

ULib.ucl.users (#=16):
name = Dev Apple
group = developer
name = You didnt see anything
group = operator
name = Jackass The Sonya worshipper!
group = operator
name = [TE-OP] Hounds.33
group = operator
name = [TSS] fire unit 84
group = operator
name = ??r??r th? ??lƒ
group = operator
name = Aegis
group = superadmin
group = superadmin
name = iReCaRNaTe
group = operator
name = ShadowHunter12
group = operator
name = Hazard Fox
group = operator
name = DOA100
group = superadmin
name = Mr. Apple
group = developer
name = Bot02
group = superadmin
name = Fonix
group = superadmin
name = Wheatley
group = operator

ULib.ucl.groups (#=5):
color_green = 161
index = 23
color_blue = 0
order = 3
name = Admin
color_red = 255
1 = ulx adduser
2 = ulx armor
3 = ulx ban
4 = ulx blind
5 = ulx bring
6 = ulx chattime
7 = ulx cloak
8 = ulx csay
9 = ulx freeze
10 = ulx gag
11 = ulx gimp
12 = ulx giveweapon
13 = ulx god
14 = ulx goto
15 = ulx hp
16 = ulx ignite
17 = ulx jail
18 = ulx jailtp
19 = ulx kick
20 = ulx kickafternamechanges
21 = ulx kickafternamechangescooldown
22 = ulx kickafternamechangeswarning
23 = ulx map
24 = ulx mute
25 = ulx noclip
26 = ulx physgunplayer
27 = ulx playsound
28 = ulx playurlsound
29 = ulx ragdoll
30 = ulx removechatcolor
31 = ulx removecolor
32 = ulx reservedslots
33 = ulx return
34 = ulx rslots
35 = ulx rslotsmode
36 = ulx rslotsvisible
37 = ulx seeanonymousechoes
38 = ulx send
39 = ulx setchatcolor
40 = ulx setcolor
41 = ulx setmodel
42 = ulx sgiveweapon
43 = ulx showmotd
44 = ulx slap
45 = ulx slay
46 = ulx spawnecho
47 = ulx spectate
48 = ulx sslay
49 = ulx stopurlsound
50 = ulx strip
51 = ulx teleport
52 = ulx tsay
53 = ulx unban
54 = ulx unblind
55 = ulx uncloak
56 = ulx unfreeze
57 = ulx ungag
58 = ulx ungimp
59 = ulx ungod
60 = ulx unignite
61 = ulx unigniteall
62 = ulx unjail
63 = ulx unmute
64 = ulx unragdoll
65 = ulx veto
66 = ulx vote
67 = ulx voteban
68 = ulx votebanminvotes
69 = ulx votebansuccessratio
70 = ulx votekick
71 = ulx votekickminvotes
72 = ulx votekicksuccessratio
73 = ulx votemap2
74 = ulx votemap2minvotes
75 = ulx votemap2successratio
76 = ulx votemapenabled
77 = ulx votemapmapmode
78 = ulx votemapmintime
79 = ulx votemapminvotes
80 = ulx votemapsuccessratio
81 = ulx votemapvetotime
82 = ulx votemapwaittime
83 = ulx welcomemessage
84 = ulx whip
can_target = !%superadmin
inherit_from = operator
color_green = 0
index = 22
color_blue = 0
order = 2
name = Superadmin
color_red = 255
1 = apromote_settings
2 = ulx addgroup
3 = ulx adduser
4 = ulx adduserid
5 = ulx addusermysql
6 = ulx banid
7 = ulx cexec
8 = ulx ent
9 = ulx exec
10 = ulx ggod
11 = ulx gkick
12 = ulx groupallow
13 = ulx groupdeny
14 = ulx gslap
15 = ulx gungod
16 = ulx hiddenecho
17 = ulx loadoutadd
18 = ulx loadoutremove
19 = ulx logchat
20 = ulx logdir
21 = ulx logecho
22 = ulx logechocolorconsole
23 = ulx logechocolordefault
24 = ulx logechocoloreveryone
25 = ulx logechocolormisc
26 = ulx logechocolorplayer
27 = ulx logechocolorplayerasgroup
28 = ulx logechocolors
29 = ulx logechocolorself
30 = ulx logevents
31 = ulx logfile
32 = ulx logjoinleaveecho
33 = ulx logspawns
34 = ulx logspawnsecho
35 = ulx luarun
36 = ulx maul
37 = ulx print
38 = ulx rcon
39 = ulx removegroup
40 = ulx removeuser
41 = ulx removeuserid
42 = ulx renamegroup
43 = ulx restrict
44 = ulx setgroupcantarget
45 = ulx setlimit
46 = ulx settime
47 = ulx tempadduser
48 = ulx unrestrict
49 = ulx userallow
50 = ulx userallowid
51 = ulx userdeny
52 = ulx userdenyid
53 = ulx voteecho
54 = whitelist_settings
55 = xgui_gmsettings
56 = xgui_managebans
57 = xgui_managegroups
58 = xgui_svsettings
59 = xgui_urs
can_target = !%developer
inherit_from = admin
color_green = 0
index = 24
color_blue = 255
order = 4
name = Moderator
color_red = 8
1 = ulx csay
2 = ulx seeasay
3 = ulx tsay
can_target = !%admin
inherit_from = user
color_green = 255
index = 21
color_blue = 250
order = 1
name = Developer
color_red = 0
inherit_from = superadmin
1 = ulx asay
2 = ulx chatcolor
3 = ulx echours
4 = ulx help
5 = ulx motd
6 = ulx psay
7 = ulx thetime
8 = ulx urs_weaponpickups
9 = ulx usermanagementhelp
10 = ulx votemap
11 = ulx who
color_green = 255
index = 25
color_blue = 29
order = 5
name = Player
color_red = 0

ULib.ucl.authed (#=0):

Garrysmod default file (#=0):

Active legacy addons on this server:
Apple-Chat_Tags          by Mr. Apple, version 1 (2/3/2013)
Apple-Join_Leave_Msg     by Mr. Apple, version 1 (2/2/2013)
Apple-MySQL_Chat         by Mr. Apple, version 2.3399 (9/22/2010)
PlayX 2.7.5              by author, version nil (nil)
Promote_Apple            by nil, version nil (nil)
Whitelist                by Mr. Apple, version 1 (5-7-2013)
sui_scoreboard           by Suicidal.Banana/BMCha/tascrafts, version ? ()
tests                    by Mr. Apple, version 0 (00/00/00)
u-r-s                    by xAaron113x, version nil (nil)
ulib                     by Team Ulysses, version 2.5099 (00/00/00)
ulx                      by Team Ulysses, version 3.6199 (00/00/00)
ulx Auto Promote         by Mr. Apple, version 3.67 (2/22/13)
ulx Give Weapon          by Mr. Apple, version 1 (3/16/13)
ulx PlayURL              by Mr. Apple, version 1 (6/28/13)
ulx Set Model            by Mr. Apple, version 1 (3/16/13)
ulx Set Utime            by Mr. Apple, version 1 (3/16/13)
ulx Temp Adduser         by Mr.President, ULX Team, version 2.2 (nil)
Quote from: John F. Kennedy 1963
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.

Offline Stickly Man!

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Re: XGUI Usergroups
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2013, 04:58:47 PM »
I have come across this bug too, but haven't had ample time to track it down. It's likely to be an XGUI bug, Megiddo, since refreshing the data from the server fixes it. XGUI is just using the "ulx adduserid" and "ulx removeuserid" console commands, however.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 05:03:50 PM by Stickly Man! »
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Offline Megiddo

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Re: XGUI Usergroups
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2013, 05:21:09 PM »
I was thinking I may be missing a hook call somewhere, but that should be a consistent problem, not a "random" one.
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Offline Bite That Apple

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Re: XGUI Usergroups
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2013, 05:29:30 PM »
Well someone or one of you guys will find the reason of this issue. I don't know any ulx terms or how it works as I've said before, might be some sort of datastream issue if ulx uses datastreams. Not too sure though.
Quote from: John F. Kennedy 1963
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.