Hello again,
So from my other post about the targeting issues, I managed to get that sorted and working

but I may have broke something in the process :/
I had all the groups/ranks set up properly with the inheritance and targeting properly. My question is that the default groups: user, operator, admin and superadmin. I deleted the operator and admin as I thought they was the cause for the targeting (NOTE: they was not being inherited from any other groups) not working in the first place.
Now them two have been deleted some of my commands aren't working. They say 'You dont have permission for this Owen'. I am in the superadmin groups, and there is no 'higher' group than that.
Now, whilst typing this up I have just realised that it seems to be for the custom commands that I purchased from Colbat. I not sure but I think the default access might be 'admin'? I cant check this now, this might not even be the problem but just something I thought of.