This is no longer available to download, sorry!
Server Mail v1.2Hi everyone, this is my second official addon release. I was inspired by a guy I did a coderhire job for to make this addon. It took me about 3 days of nearly nonstop coding to finish this, so here it is!
This addon is basically email between players on your server. Players can send and reply to messages to other players, admins can send messages to users and all members (including offline members) in any ulx group, and to any offline steamid.
Features:- Nice looking GUI displaying your messages, a panel to compose a message, and a panel for admin settings
- HUD Notifications when you have unread messages and for completing actions such as removing a message, or sending one.
- Send messages to offline players for them to receive when they come on to the server
- Distribute messages to any ulx group or to everyone on the server at once
- Lots of garrysmod/content_downloaded.wav (the sexiest sound in the game)
- Admin options include blacklisting groups from sending messages (can still receive messages), whitelisting steamids in blocked groups, and a setting for group and offline messaging permissions
Screenshots:Main GUI: and admin panels open: mail view toggled: the file into lua/autorun
Note: It is recommended to block the group "user" from sending messages, and leave it to your regular/vip/whatever and above.