I took it off, still the same thing, but it shows my public IP this time.
My batch file to start my server is:
start srcds.exe -console -game garrysmod +map gm_construct +maxplayers 16 +gamemode sandbox
echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
goto srcds
Server.cfg is:
// General server settings
"hostname" "Bad Gizmod"
"rcon_password" "mypassword"
"sv_password" "myrconpassword"
"sv_region" "0" // eastcoast: 0 - westcoast: 1 - south america: 2 - europe: 3 - asia: 4 - australia: 5 - middle east: 6 - africa: 7 - world: 255
"sv_lan" "0"
// Sandbox server settings
"sbox_godmode" "0"