The topic should be removed and he should be banned, that should be the least that happens.
Please do not backseat moderate.
You are upset, and that is somewhat understandable. Banning people will not undo what happened. Like JamminR said, we all learn from our mistakes and grow from them. Please move on from this.
Chaos - Seeing as you did admit to having used his code (in part or in majority, it doesn't matter), you will be required to give him credit. Both in your thread stating that your code was based on his original release and also inside of your lua files. This is what is fair. Please make this happen.
I'm sorry if this action is not to your liking tyguy, but like I said before, lua is inherently open source. Unless you released your code under a license (and even if you did, it's a gray area) you have no legal right to tell people what they can and can not do with it. People still have a
moral obligation to give credit though. We here at Ulysses will happily enforce that moral obligation.