hey guys im trying to add a small ulx command.
This is the function's name.
function ulx.faction(calling_ply, faction)
This is the end of it:
faction:addParam{ type=ULib.cmds.StringArg, hint="name of the faction", ULib.cmds.takeRestOfLine }
For some reason When i use ulx faction 'name', my error says that the parameter faction hasns't been defined yet, although as i understood by look at examples, it should get defined already, just when i use the command, for example: ulx faction hello.
A few other questions:
1.Can I ristrict tools to only steamid's? and not usergroups?
2.Can i create a table in the ulx plugin and customise it as my own? meaning i'll use it and it wont inherit from the players who are online?