You probably won't know me but I have been here a while but didn't contribute much, but i made this online log viewer for ULX (Suppose you can use it for other logs and i made a advance dupe version aswell ((But thats private)) ). I did this because i saw a few communities with it and wanted to attempt it myself like Hopefully you find it useful as i did
Features:- View text files within a folder
- Stops people using the ../ to gain access to other folders
Not really much to it, you can view a demo here - it here: instructions:
- Upload to web space
- Fill in config.php
Sometimes it doesn't like working with GSP's with the folder structure:
Method to try to fixIf it doesn't load your folder, try breaking the filepath into segments and try that so if your file path was
/ try,
/ and see if that loads the files in there then try
/ and see if it loads again, etc Enabling passive ftp may also fix problems.
This was a quick whip together and there's probably a better way to approach it.
I believe I blocked any loopholes, but just tell me if you can break it and ill fix it.
Folder path requires a leading / eg.