Sorry for this being very old, but I've tried to fix this myself a bunch of times but I just can't.
// Here you set your FTP information
$host = "****";
$user = "****";
$password = "****";
$port = "21"; // Default 21, some hosts have different
$passiveftp = "1"; // 1 = Yes , 0 = No, Default 0. Try enabling this if it fails to show directory
// Log Directory
$path = '';
// Other
$community = "Iodine Gaming";
Every time I load up the I get: Warning: ftp_chdir(): The system cannot find the path specified. in /usr/www/iodinegaming/logs/index.php on line 68
Couldn't access log folder
I've tried:
Changing $host (and $password respectively)
Chaning $port
Changing $passiveftp
Chaning $path first param (IP)
and nothing has worked. I really want to get this working, and again sorry for this being really old.
Also, I'd like to point out that my gameserver and webserver are on two different FTPs, if that affects anything.