Author Topic: OpenSteam: Bans and User Management System  (Read 75141 times)

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Offline Neubivljiv

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Re: OpenSteam and User Mangement System
« Reply #30 on: April 20, 2014, 10:40:51 AM »
Of course, feel free to add "Template by" or "Template modification" or whatever you want in footer.

However, I added server remote control and server list (with server query from steamAPI). Now it's possible to include banned message on loading screen for banned players.

server info | server rcon

Offline Bytewave

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Re: OpenSteam and User Mangement System
« Reply #31 on: April 20, 2014, 10:58:24 AM »
Yea I was just interested how the theme would look like, so I looked it up. I first thought its my location which occur that problem so I did a speed test. ;-)
Apparently it's my and my lead web developer's PHP skills. xD
I'll check for infinite loops- our host says it's our code, which I can definitely agree with. :P
Short Circuit: Dude
Short Circuit: the site
Short Circuit: is slower than the old host
Short Circuit: wat
LordNature: You <censor>ed something up
LordNature: [10:50 AM] <host>: Well something is up with your code
EDIT: We know the host semi-personally, which would explain the Skype convo. :P
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Offline Bytewave

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Re: OpenSteam and User Mangement System
« Reply #32 on: April 20, 2014, 11:00:35 AM »
Of course, feel free to add "Template by" or "Template modification" or whatever you want in footer.
I will most likely- though mostly it's just Yeti on Bootswatch with a modded CSS scheme, but meh.

However, I added server remote control and server list (with server query from steamAPI). Now it's possible to include banned message on loading screen for banned players.
server info | server rcon
Nice! Looks great!
bw81@ulysses-forums ~ % whoami

Offline Storm

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Re: OpenSteam and User Mangement System
« Reply #33 on: April 20, 2014, 11:18:06 AM »
My situation, I have seen, is shared by many other server owners. I own a lot of gmod servers and I put my permanent bans on ALL servers (if I don't want you on one, I don't want you on any). This is extremely time consuming, as each ban has to be entered on RCON many times. Also, I have over 3000 bans on every server. There are a lot of server performance issues, as a result. Yes I have tried using MySQL database addons, I even bought one but they all had problems and didn't work right. Your project could very well be the answer to my prayers!!! I can't wait to see it! The only issue I can think of is that many of us have multiple gamemodes and the admins vary from gamemode to gamemode (someone who is qualified to admin Murder may not be right to admin TTT, for example.) Will you be able to use the banning part of this and not the staff-syncing part? Also, will this upload existing bans from ulx?

Offline Grief-Code

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Re: OpenSteam and User Mangement System
« Reply #34 on: April 20, 2014, 11:25:20 AM »
This can be of course split as well :-)
As you notes this modification can solve all your problems in one. We are not interested in creating a single application which is functional. You can find a lot of these. We want a highly performanced and optimized scripting which covers all the issues also for a huge platform.

You say 3000 bans create issues? I say that I wrote partly a c++ application which can handle more than 600.000 records fast and efficiency, as well as neubivljiv did nearly a similar thing for PHP.

We are happy that here so many users interested in our project.

There can be shared bans/shared staff but must not. This can be implemented.
There can be also a uploaded for old bans. However this may require your help in letting is know how the current ban script looks like.

best Regards,

Offline Storm

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Re: OpenSteam and User Mangement System
« Reply #35 on: April 21, 2014, 12:17:05 PM »
Current permanent bans are stored in banned_user.cfg files. Is there a timeline for your work- its completion I mean?

Offline Neubivljiv

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Re: OpenSteam and User Mangement System
« Reply #36 on: April 21, 2014, 12:51:01 PM »
If admin bans  player with a command ulx banuser it will be stored into database. Also, you can always use common command to ban user; it will work too.
However, in my opinion flat-file database is bad...for performance and lot's of other reasons. It's good for testing, but not for production. 

With OpenSteam database you can easily handle hundreds of thousands players and bans without huge performance impact. I also think that any addon that uses a database should use database as OpenSteam uses.
With many examples (addons?) you can see the poor structure of the database, missing indexes and invalid field types (or poor coding for web app), which may also affects the performance. That's why we always take care of the database structure and performance.

There's no timeline for this project. However, OpenSteam can already be used and in time we add a new features.

Offline Bytewave

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Re: OpenSteam and User Mangement System
« Reply #37 on: April 21, 2014, 01:55:41 PM »
Suggestion: Ban requests/appeals.
Specifics: In game command for ban requests if no admins are online ("ulx reqban <steamid/name> <reason>" as an example). Web interface for appeals/requests. (If possible) Notify admins via notification on home page or in e-mail (add interface for admins to link e-mail to account and add interface/config for linking an IMAP or SMTP server to send e-mails [maybe? :3])
Reason: As a server owner I find it very difficult to keep up with ban requests and rule breakers. Having a utility such as this would definitely help!

If this gets added, that'd be cool! :D
bw81@ulysses-forums ~ % whoami

Offline Neubivljiv

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Re: OpenSteam and User Mangement System
« Reply #38 on: April 21, 2014, 02:07:14 PM »
Can be done.

I am currently working on GeoIP, so it will inform people about connecting players (can be disabled), and option to ban entire country or IP Range.

About ulx reqban can be done, but whether it will be useful? I mean, admin can see the request, but how knows what happened on the server or if the application is false. It will just take admins time.

However, forum is an good solution for ban appeals/requests.

Offline Grief-Code

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Re: OpenSteam and User Mangement System
« Reply #39 on: April 21, 2014, 10:40:13 PM »
Is there a timeline for your work- its completion I mean?

There's no timeline for this project. However, OpenSteam can already be used and in time we add a new features.

For now I can add a timeline about the process what were done already, and a list of features planed soon. I can make a small hint how long each feature need and a small preview when the patches are done. Im planing anyway to create a new Home Page where this can be put easily on a nice graph.

Suggestion: Ban requests/appeals.
Specifics: In game command for ban requests if no admins are online ("ulx reqban <steamid/name> <reason>" as an example). Web interface for appeals/requests. (If possible) Notify admins via notification on home page or in e-mail (add interface for admins to link e-mail to account and add interface/config for linking an IMAP or SMTP server to send e-mails [maybe? :3])
Reason: As a server owner I find it very difficult to keep up with ban requests and rule breakers. Having a utility such as this would definitely help!

If this gets added, that'd be cool! :D
We had a simlair system on OS where everyone could amke ban requests/appeals. It was made back in tiem by Neubivljiv, after we started to work together and started with hosting aswell we also used the forum for it. Its more prefereable and also for this kind of requests etc, how are you able to proof it?
On a forum you can simple bring up evidence in form of screenshots.


Offline Neubivljiv

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Re: OpenSteam and User Mangement System
« Reply #40 on: April 22, 2014, 08:36:22 AM »
Added GeoIP (Ban Country).

Go to and download Download "
Unpack zip archive to /garrysmod/data folder
(GeoIP is based on some addon...can't find link, but I will update it in the first post when I find)

Soon I will add Join/Leave message (eg. Player joined from COUNTRY)

GeoIP Ban | GeoIP ACP
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 08:37:59 AM by Neubivljiv »

Offline Storm

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Re: OpenSteam: Bans and User Management System
« Reply #41 on: April 22, 2014, 05:04:14 PM »
Why would anyone want to ban everyone form a country?

Offline JamminR

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Re: OpenSteam: Bans and User Management System
« Reply #42 on: April 22, 2014, 08:30:31 PM »
Why would anyone want to ban everyone form a country?
Illegal immigration wastes country's resources?
Oh, wait, you're talking in Gmod.
Yeah, it's Gmod and the Interwebs, could be any personal reason.
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Offline Grief-Code

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Re: OpenSteam: Bans and User Management System
« Reply #43 on: April 22, 2014, 10:35:43 PM »
Why would anyone want to ban everyone form a country?

Simple. As soon as you start a huge hosting platform you will notice diffrent things.
Specific countries have huge amount of hackers, game destorying & spamming. In other games leaving aswell. And yea you can simple relate it to countries.
On our other project, at WC3, you can simply group people like this:
Russian -> Hackers/Cheater
Kazastahn -> Leaver
In some cases this make a lot of sense to ban specific countries.
This option is as called an option, you dont need to use it :-)

« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 10:48:28 PM by Grief-Code »

Offline Neubivljiv

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Re: OpenSteam: Bans and User Management System
« Reply #44 on: April 23, 2014, 12:44:17 AM »
Why would anyone want to ban everyone form a country?
What question is that? :) Why you even want to ban anyone? :)
However, maybe somebody want private server and allow only players from specific country, or you have multiple offenders from specific country.
When you have over 5.000 players per day on server, you can easily see why this can be very usefull option as well as ip range ban...