I've been trying to add the image at the bottom of this post as a trail on my pointshop, however, I've been having some trouble.
I have the code for the item itself in the pointshop folder. It's path: C:\GMOD\garrysmod\addons\pointshop-master\lua\items\trails\trail01.lua
The code in that file:
ITEM.Name = 'Saw'
ITEM.Price = 500
ITEM.Material = 'trails/Trail01.vmt'
function ITEM:OnEquip(ply, modifications)
ply.Trail01 = util.SpriteTrail(ply, 0, modifications.color, false, 15, 1, 4, 0.125, self.Material)
function ITEM:OnHolster(ply)
function ITEM:Modify(modifications)
PS:ShowColorChooser(self, modifications)
function ITEM:OnModify(ply, modifications)
self:OnEquip(ply, modifications)
The only reason I was able to get that code was because of copying and pasting from other sites.

When I'm ingame, the "Saw" trail option does appear, but it shows the error texture.

I put the "Trail01.vmt" and "Trail01.vtf" files in it's own addon folder, since I wasn't sure where to put it. I named the addons folder "ZsAddons" and all that's in it is the "info.txt" file and the materials folder. Inside the materials folder is a folder named trails, and inside of the trails folder is the VMF and VTF files.
I was hoping someone here could help me get the textures to download for clients when they join the server so that they would have the texture and be able to see it.