Author Topic: Custom ULX Commands / Server Mail  (Read 196566 times)

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Offline Cobalt

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Custom ULX Commands / Server Mail
« on: May 08, 2014, 01:15:21 PM »
Since I don't think I will be renewing my coderhire dev subscription any time soon, here are my 2 scripts I've had up there for the past several months. If by some odd chance you're reading this and you have the version from, please update, since the version on there has exploits that have been patched. Enjoy :)

CustomCommands v4.5:
75-ish commands for ulx, to install put one of the two folders into addons.

ServerMail v1.1:
Pretty cool email type system with a lot of features. Good for sending out server information to players, private messaging, or sending messages to people who are offline.

If any of those puush links go down, here is a mirror (thanks decicus!)
« Last Edit: May 15, 2014, 04:55:42 PM by Cobalt »

Offline JamminR

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Re: Custom ULX Commands / Server Mail
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2014, 01:50:37 PM »
Mind posting a quick help listing of the 75ish commands, and perhaps the mail stuff too?
Perhaps create a totally random group in a game (server or SinglePlayer, if the commands would at least still show help if not work in SP), give that group access to your commands, than do a "ulx help" from console?
At the least, would make your release post a bit more informative.
Most us folks are lazy time constrained :). Having to download something, install it, load up Gmod, review help and XGUI takes a bit of time to just find out we might not have needed/wanted your great stuff.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline Cobalt

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Re: Custom ULX Commands / Server Mail
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2014, 03:00:12 PM »
Mind posting a quick help listing of the 75ish commands, and perhaps the mail stuff too?
Perhaps create a totally random group in a game (server or SinglePlayer, if the commands would at least still show help if not work in SP), give that group access to your commands, than do a "ulx help" from console?
At the least, would make your release post a bit more informative.
Most us folks are lazy time constrained :). Having to download something, install it, load up Gmod, review help and XGUI takes a bit of time to just find out we might not have needed/wanted your great stuff.
If only coderhire would let you view your inactive scripts. Yeah I'll do that in a minute.

Offline Cobalt

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Re: Custom ULX Commands / Server Mail
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2014, 03:21:18 PM »
Pretty sure these are most of them:
Category: Custom
   o ulx administrate - Cloak yourself, noclip yourself, and god yourself. (say: !admin) (opposite: ulx unadministrate)
   o ulx bancheck <string> - Checks if a steamid or ip address is banned. (say: !bancheck)
   o ulx banip <minutes, 0 for perma: 0<=x> <address> - Bans ip address.
   o ulx bot [<number: default 0>] - Spawn or remove bots. (say: !bot) (opposite: ulx kickbots)
   o ulx cancelcmd - Runs the specified command after a number of seconds. (say: !cancelcmd)
   o ulx cleardecals - Clear decals for all players. (say: !cleardecals)
   o ulx color <players> <color> - Add trails on players. (say: !setcolor) (opposite: ulx resetcolor)
   o ulx convar <variable> <value> - Change a server ConVar. (say: !convar) (opposite: ulx sconvar)
   o ulx crash <player> - Crashes a player. (say: !crash) (opposite: ulx scrash)
   o ulx csaycolor <message> <color> - Send a message to everyone in the center of their screen with color. (say: !csaycolor)
   o ulx dban - Open the disconnected players menu (say: !dban)
   o ulx donate - View donation information. (say: !donate)
   o ulx enter <player> - Force a player into a vehicle. (say: !enter)
   o ulx exit <player> - Force a player out of a vehicle. (say: !exit)
   o ulx explode <players> - Explode a player (say: !explode)
   o ulx fakeban <player> [<minutes, 0 for perma: 0<=x, default 0>] [{reason}] - Doesn't actually ban the target. (say: !fakeban)
   o ulx fbring <player> - Brings target to you and freezes them. (say: !fbring)
   o ulx forcerespawn <players> - Force-respawn a player. (say: !forcerespawn)
   o ulx frags_deaths <players> <number> - Set a player's frags and deaths. (say: !frags) (opposite: ulx deaths)
   o ulx friends <player> - Print a player's connected steam friends. (say: !friends)
   o ulx fteleport <player> - Teleports target and freezes them. (say: !ftp)
   o ulx getcommandtable <player> - Get a player's table of concommands that have been added with lua (say: !getcommandtable)
   o ulx gethooktable <player> - Get a player's table of hooks that have been added with lua (say: !gethooktable)
   o ulx give <players> <entity> - Give a player an entity (say: !give) (opposite: ulx sgive)
   o ulx giveammo <players> <amount: 0<=x> - Set a player's ammo (say: !giveammo) (opposite: ulx setammo)
   o ulx gravity <players> <gravity> - Sets target's gravity. (say: !gravity)
   o ulx hide {command} - Run a command without it displaying the log echo. (say: !hide)
   o ulx hook <type> <identifier> <args> <string to run> - Hook a function to run a string on the server. (opposite: ulx printhooks)
   o ulx ip <player> - Copies a player's IP address. (say: !copyip)
   o ulx jumppower <players> [<power: default 200>] - Set a player's jump power. Default=200 (say: !jumppower)
   o ulx launch <players> - Launch players into the air. (say: !launch)
   o ulx maprestart - Forces a mapchange to the current map. (say: !maprestart)
   o ulx material <players> <material> - Set a player's material. (say: !material) (opposite: ulx resetmaterial)
   o ulx model <players> <model> - Set a player's model. (say: !model)
   o ulx multiban <players> [<minutes, 0 for perma: 0<=x, default 0>] [{reason}] - Bans multiple targets.
   o ulx notepad - Open the admin note (say: !notepad)
   o ulx notifications <players> <text> <type> [<duration: 1<=x<=120, default 5>] - Send a sandbox-type notification to players. (say: !notifications)
   o ulx pgag <players> - Gag target(s), disables microphone using pdata. (say: !pgag) (opposite: ulx unpgag)
   o ulx printpgags - Prints players who are pgagged. (say: !printpgags)
   o ulx profile <player> - Opens target's profile (say: !profile)
   o ulx removehook <type> <identifier> - Remove a previously added hook.
   o ulx removehookcl <player> <type> <identifier> - Remove a previously added hook.
   o ulx removeragdolls - Remove all ragdolls. (say: !removeragdolls)
   o ulx resetdata <player> - Reset easter egg data.
   o ulx resetmap - Resets the map to its original state. (say: !resetmap)
   o ulx runscript <pathname> [<Print script to console?: 0/1>] - Run a lua script on the server. (opposite: ulx srunscript)
   o ulx runscriptcl <players> <pathname> [<Print script to console?: 0/1>] - Run a lua script on target(s). (opposite: ulx srunscriptcl)
   o ulx sasay {message} - Send a message to currently connected superadmins. (say: $)
   o ulx sban <player> [<minutes, 0 for perma: 0<=x, default 0>] [{reason}] - Bans target silently. (say: !sban)
   o ulx scale <players> <multiplier: 0<=x, default 1> - Set the model scale of a player. (say: !scale)
   o ulx sendlua <players> {string} - Run a lua string on a client. ssendlua = silent echo (say: !sendlua) (opposite: ulx ssendlua)
   o ulx serverinfo - Print server information. (say: !serverinfo)
   o ulx setwarp <name> - Sets a warp position. (say: !setwarp)
   o ulx shock <players> [<damage: 0<=x, default 0>] - Shock players (say: !shock)
   o ulx skick <player> [{reason}] - Kicks target. (say: !skick)
   o ulx soundlist - Open the server soundlist (say: !soundlist)
   o ulx speed <players> <walk speed: 0<=x<=20000, default 0> <run speed: 0<=x<=20000, default 0> - Sets target's speed. Set a value to 0 to leave it unchanged. Set both to 0 to reset (say: !speed)
   o ulx stopsounds - Stops sounds/music of everyone in the server. (say: !ss)
   o ulx thirdperson - Toggles third person mode (say: !thirdperson)
   o ulx timedcmd <command> <seconds: 1<=x> - Runs the specified command after a number of seconds. (say: !timedcmd)
   o ulx timescale <multiplier: default 1> - Set the server timescale. (say: !timescale) (opposite: ulx resettimescale)
   o ulx trail <players> <color> <Start Width: default 16> <End Width: default 0> <Length: default 5> <type> - Add trails on players. (say: !trail) (opposite: ulx removetrail)
   o ulx tsaycolor <message> <color> - Send a message to everyone in the chat box with color. (say: !color)
   o ulx unbanip <address> - Unbans ip address.
   o ulx unvotegag <players> - Ungag the player (say: !unvotegag)
   o ulx unvotemute <players> - Unmute the player (say: !unvotemute)
   o ulx url <players> {url} - Open a URL on target(s). (say: !url) (opposite: ulx surl)
   o ulx votegag <player> [<minutes: 0<=x, default 3>] - Starts a public vote gag against target. (say: !votegag)
   o ulx votemute <player> [<minutes: 0<=x, default 3>] - Starts a public vote mute against target. (say: !votemute)
   o ulx warp <name> - Warps to a set position (say: !warp)
   o ulx watch <player> {reason} - Watch or unwatch a player (say: !watch) (opposite: ulx unwatch)
   o ulx watchlist - View the watchlist (say: !watchlist)

Offline JamminR

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Re: Custom ULX Commands / Server Mail
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2014, 04:09:58 PM »
Thanks for the list - Great collection of stuff there.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline Snell

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Re: Custom ULX Commands / Server Mail
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2014, 02:05:00 AM »
Quite Cool, Probably going to install them on my server. Thanks for the public release man.

Offline Neku

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Re: Custom ULX Commands / Server Mail
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2014, 09:13:05 AM »
Have these been updated since the last release on coderhire?
Out of the Garry's Mod business.

Offline Cobalt

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Re: Custom ULX Commands / Server Mail
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2014, 09:14:43 AM »
Have these been updated since the last release on coderhire?
No, but they have since I last posted them here.

Offline aidanjohns921

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Re: Custom ULX Commands / Server Mail
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2014, 03:53:39 PM »
How do I setup the donate command to go to a page I want it to go to?

Offline Cobalt

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Re: Custom ULX Commands / Server Mail
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2014, 06:14:40 PM »
How do I setup the donate command to go to a page I want it to go to?

Offline Bite That Apple

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Re: Custom ULX Commands / Server Mail
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2014, 09:00:41 PM »
As a reminder. puush deletes things like after two months.
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Offline Decicus

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Re: Custom ULX Commands / Server Mail
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2014, 02:25:49 AM »
As a reminder. puush deletes things like after two months.
I was thinking about that, so I'll host a mirror here until Cobalt says otherwise:
Cobalt, you should attach the files to the original post.
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You can also send a PM.

Offline Scream

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Re: Custom ULX Commands / Server Mail
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2014, 04:23:44 PM »
There's a slight problem with the crash command, it doesn't work. My friend is hosting a DarkRP Server and i tried it on myself but it didn't work, and then i tried it on another person and it still didn't work.

Offline Neku

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Re: Custom ULX Commands / Server Mail
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2014, 07:17:03 PM »
There's a slight problem with the crash command, it doesn't work. My friend is hosting a DarkRP Server and i tried it on myself but it didn't work, and then i tried it on another person and it still didn't work.

Are you sure this isn't DarkRP's fault? Cause I can use it fine in TTT and Sandbox.
Out of the Garry's Mod business.

Offline Scream

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Re: Custom ULX Commands / Server Mail
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2014, 12:54:12 PM »
Are you sure this isn't DarkRP's fault? Cause I can use it fine in TTT and Sandbox.

Could be, but i myself don't code so i wouldn't know ;d