Hi Cobalt!
First of all i want to thank you for your effort to the community and the users, i really appreciate it!
I have a question regarding the chattags in your script. It seems to "overwrite" the standard commands like OOC, Advert, Yell.
I really love the tags, but its confusing for players and us that are staffmembers to see if it's an advert/ooc channel or not.
Tryed to remove the file: cc_chattags.lua, but it still show the tags. Could i somehow manage to use your tags and could you or anybody that have knowledge about this help me with a solution? Would be very kind of you!
I could if you tell me what file to remove to not harm any other commands i could do that. But i did remove cc_chattags.lua and chattags are still in-game (and my first thought it should be enough with that file).
Excuse my enligsh, but i will progress my english language everyday
Hope you can help me!
Best Regards,