Author Topic: ULX MOTD not saving.  (Read 2794 times)

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ULX MOTD not saving.
« on: June 17, 2014, 02:47:03 AM »

Did a bit of a search on here and google for this LUA error, I got a mix of no reply posts, comments saying too many lua files and other things that weren't helpful.

My problem is that I set the MOTD in-game and it's fine until the server stops or crashes next, then it's back to default white "My MOTD" thing. I checked the txt files in data folder and I can see the settings there but server isn't picking them up.

I have the latest Ulib/ULX from the SVN as of a week ago, I tried to see if another version was released but note the GitHub pages are 404 errors.

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Re: ULX MOTD not saving.
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2014, 09:38:56 AM »
GitHub pages should be working fine.

The error itself is coming from this line, which means the variable "isUrl" hasn't been set yet, and that the motd file couldn't be found. That "isUrl" variable is received from the server, so it seems like the issue is a race condition due to networking. Essentially, by the time your client has loaded up and the MOTD is to be shown, it hasn't gotten the motd variable yet. (A recent change in later updates for GM13 have triggered some interesting issues with our older code).

Two causes I can speculate could be using a gamemode which additionally uses a lot of network overhead (a known issue, XGUI uses a lot of data at the moment, which can cause hangs on join), or being the first player to join the server (something I've casually observed is that there appears to be a huge load on the server when it "wakes up" after no players have been on).

So, for starters- does it only happen when you're the first player in the server? I don't have my computer or internet at my apartment yet, so I can't test anything.
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Offline nzkfc

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Re: ULX MOTD not saving.
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2014, 12:11:34 AM »
Thanks for your help.

http://ulyssesmod.net/downloads.php links are 404

For the MOTD, on server start the MOTD is showing the default one, if I set this again in ULX players using !motd can see it fine (same as I can too)

IF the server crashes or restarts, the MOTD resets again to default one.

I note that I was running the below versions and this was running fine, I then updated to the latest via SVN and this issue has occurred.

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Re: ULX MOTD not saving.
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2014, 03:04:24 AM »
Thanks for your help.

http://ulyssesmod.net/downloads.php links are 404
Quote from: Download Page
You will not be able to view these links in your browser! If you want to go to our GitHub page, click here. Please note that the code in our SVN changes constantly, and sometimes we make changes that might impact your server configurations. Please keep an eye on our forums and news feeds for more information!

Use this link instead: https://github.com/Nayruden/Ulysses

For the MOTD, on server start the MOTD is showing the default one, if I set this again in ULX players using !motd can see it fine (same as I can too)

IF the server crashes or restarts, the MOTD resets again to default one.

I note that I was running the below versions and this was running fine, I then updated to the latest via SVN and this issue has occurred.

Did I understand it right? The link for the motd saves in the config.txt file located inside data/ulx/, but after a server restart the motd won't load the right one, even if the URL is saved?
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Offline Stickly Man!

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Re: ULX MOTD not saving.
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2014, 11:32:25 AM »
Yeah, as Decicus mentioned (and I forgot), the links on there are for SVN downloading of our git repository- the link to Github itself is shown in the text underneath it.

So, I have quite a few troubleshooting steps you can try and answer to make sure I understand the problem fully: (reaally wish I had my computer set up at home lol)

1) While your server is running normally (and the motd works):
 1a. Enter "ulx showMotd" in BOTH your client and server consoles. These *should* display the correct URL, and should be the same on both.
 1b. What does the "ulx showMotd" line look like in your server's config.txt file?
 1c. Does the motd work when you say "!motd"?
 1d. Does the motd display when you join your server with at least one other player on?
 1e. Does the motd display when you join your server as the first player? (Possibly irrelevant, nice to have the info just in case).

2) After a server stop/restart/crash, before setting the MOTD parameter again:
 2a. Did the default MOTD show up on join?
 2b. Enter "ulx showMotd" in BOTH your client and server consoles, and compare the values.
 2c. Does the default MOTD still show if you say "!motd" (after waiting a minute or so)?
 2d. What does the "ulx showMotd" line look like in your server's config.txt file? Is it the same as before?
 2e. If 2d is the correct URL, does the regular MOTD show up after rejoining, or after a mapchange?

3) Change the MOTD value to "www.google.com".
 3a. Check the "ulx showMotd" value in your server's config.txt file. Was it properly changed to "www.google.com"?
 3b. Does the MOTD properly show Google when saying "!motd", even after rejoining?

4) (Optional) Turn off the server.
 4a. Check the server's config.txt file for the MOTD value to see if it saved.
 4b. After enabling the server, does the MOTD value change once the server has started?

Hopefully that will help us to pinpoint where exactly the problem is occurring.

If you have lots of free time and want to help us determine which exact commit caused the issue, check our commit log here.

If you're absolutely sure that the 3.61 Release version worked fine, then any commits ON OR AFTER Aug 31, 2014 may have caused the issue. Reverting to a specific commit can be done via SVN revisions, but it's a tidbit tricky to tie specific git commits with a SVN revision Github created. (TortoiseSVN's show log feature should help). Looking briefly at the commits myself, I can't see anything that stands out as being the culprit. But, you can always do the binary search method of finding the problem- start halfway between the earliest and the latest commit, see if it works, then jump either ahead or behind by half the remaining commits to start narrowing it down.

Hope this is helpful!

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