Author Topic: Decicus' ULX Commands - V2.22  (Read 25830 times)

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Offline Decicus

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Decicus' ULX Commands - V2.22
« on: November 23, 2013, 02:36:12 PM »
Hello and welcome to the official release thread for my ULX commands.

I have attached two .zip files into this post. The one called "decicus_ulx_ttt" has all commands (utility + TTT commands), while the other ("decicus_ulx") only has the utility commands (commands are described further down into this post). So you can choose if you want it with or without the TTT commands.
Code: [Select]
-> Update November 29th, 2014 (Version 2.22):
   - Fixed a typo in the "ulx toggledamagelog" command.

-> Update July 31st, 2014 (Version 2.21):
   - Fixed an issue with "slapnr" where the log wouldn't show when removing the slap.

-> Update July 28th, 2014 (Version 2.2):
   - Added "pmute" and "pmuteid" for permanent muting.

-> Update July 21st, 2014 (Version 2.1):
   - Fixed an error if the console used "reloadmap".
   - "Slap Next Round" now also notifies on playerspawn, instead of playerjoin-only (this was an error on my part).

-> Update July 6th, 2014 (Version 2.0):
   - Code has been cleaned up.
   - "SlapNR" & "ToggleDamagelog" now saves under different "data-names", people that used toggledamagelog will have to re-use the command.
   - "ReloadMap" now waits 1.5 seconds before reloading the map.

-> Update January 14th, 2014 (Version 1.3):
   - AFKMe has been modified slightly and works better now.
   - "ULX Damagelog" has now been added. Read more about it in the command info (TTT).

-> Update December 20th, 2013 (Version 1.2):
   - Markusmoo allowed me to include the "silent kick" again!
   - TTT command addition: "AFKMe". Moves yourself to spectator (more info further below).

-> Update December 7th, 2013 (Version 1.1):
I've updated my little command pack, and here are the changes:
   - SlapNR now has a dedicated remove slap command (opposite) - "ulx rslapnr" or !rslapnr in chat.
   - Toggledamagelog now logs to console/server logs.
   - New utility command: "ReloadMap". Does what it says, basically reloads the current map. More info below.
   - ULX menu categories changed from "Decicus - TTT" & "Decicus - Utility" to just "TTT" & "Utility" - It felt like I was advertising in a stupid way.
Chat commands ("Chat" in the ULX menu):
"pmute" - Permanent mute.
Default access: Admin.
Console: ulx pmute Player - Replace "Player" with the name of the player you want to permanently mute.
Chat: !pmute Player - See above.
Opposite: "!unpmute" or "ulx unpmute" will remove the permanent mute.
ULX menu: Under the category "Chat".

"pmuteid" - Permanent mute for Steam ID's.
Default access: Admin.
Console: ulx pmuteid SteamID - Replace "SteamID" with a Steam ID in this format (example): STEAM_0:1:12345678
Chat: !pmuteid SteamID - Read above.
Opposite: "!unpmuteid" or "ulx unpmuteid" will remove the permanent mute from the Steam ID.
ULX menu: Under the category "Chat".

TTT Commands ("TTT" in the ULX menu):
"SlapNR" - Inspired by SlayNR in this ULX addon, I created a command that puts a slap on someone the next round.
Default access: Admin.
Console: ulx slapnr Player damage - Replace player with playername and damage with a number between 0-99 (0 will remove the current slapnr, so if you put 50 on a player, doing it again with 0 instead will remove the slap).
Chat: !slapnr Player damage - Again, replace player with playername and damage with a number.
Opposite: "!rslapnr" or "ulx rslapnr" will remove the slap. "ulx slapnr Name 0" still works.
ULX menu: Under the category "TTT".

"ToggleDamagelog" - It's a command for enabling/disabling damagelog-printing to the console. At the end of every round, anyone that is currently on the server and has this enabled will get the damagelog printed to their console.
Default access: Everyone.
Console: ulx toggledamagelog - It will print to your chat saying if it's enabled or disabled.
Chat: !toggledamagelog
ULX menu: Under the category "TTT".

"AFKMe" - It's an alternative to using the console command "ttt_spectate" or going through the F1 menu of TTT.
Default access: Everyone.
Console: ulx afkme
Chat: !afkme
Opposite (Console - Chat): ulx unafkme - !unafkme
ULX menu: Under the category "TTT".
Other notes:
- The console command here isn't really necessary, because of "ttt_spectate".
- To get out of spectator using a command, use one of the opposites.

"Damagelog" - Allowing more than superadmins to print the damagelog mid-round.
Default access: Superadmin.
Console: ulx damagelog
Chat: !damagelog
ULX menu: Under the category "TTT".
Other notes:
- IMPORTANT: Anyone with the permission to use this will be able to print it WHENEVER they want to. Whether the round is active or not.
- It works the same way as "ttt_print_damagelog". Although this time you can modify the group permission for other than superadmin to use without modifying default code.
- 95% of the code is taken from the default TTT damagelog code, I just "converted" it to a ULX command so people could have an easier time letting groups below "superadmin" print the damagelog of the round, while it's ongoing.

Utility commands ("Utility" in the ULX menu):
"FMotd" or "Force MOTD" - It's a command that you can use if you want to force someone to open the server's MOTD on their screen (I find this useful for servers that have "special" rules compared to other servers).
Default access: Admin.
Console: "ulx fmotd Player" - Replace "Player" with the name of the player you want to open the MOTD on.
Chat: !fmotd Player - Same as above.
ULX menu: Under the category "Utility".

"Reload Map" - It reloads the current map, this means that if you're on gm_flatgrass and do "!reloadmap" in chat (or "ulx reloadmap" in console) it will do a mapchange to gm_flatgrass.
Default access: Admin.
Console: "ulx reloadmap"
Chat: !reloadmap
ULX menu: Under the category "Utility".

"Silent kick" - Silently kicks a player, it will only show for you and superadmins (by default).
Default access: Admin.
Console: "ulx skick name reason"
Chat: !skick name reason
ULX menu: Under the category "Utility".
Other notes:
- Thanks to Markusmoo for letting me add this command back into the command pack!

"steamid" - Copy Steam ID of a player.
Default: Everyone.
Console: ulx steamid Player - Replace player with playername.
Chat: !steamid Player - Replace player with playername.
ULX menu: Under the category "Utility".

This version might become a bit outdated occasionally. If you'd like the most up-to-date version of this addon, check the git repository:
GitHub: https://github.com/Decicus/ULX-Commands-by-Decicus

For previous releases (1.3 and newer), they will be located here: https://decicus.com/ulx-commands/

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 01:29:40 PM by Decicus »
Contact information:
E-mail: alex@thomassen.xyz.
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Offline Megiddo

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Re: Decicus' ULX Commands - V1.0
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2013, 02:24:01 PM »
Nicely done, Decicus!
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline Markusmoo

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Re: Decicus' ULX Commands - V1.0
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2013, 05:08:46 PM »
Nicely done, Decicus!

Except for the fact that he posted my sKick without my permission, as well as claimed it as his own..  All he added was the Fancy Admin Log.  I do have proof of this as well.

I have been planning on releasing some of my own custom commands I have made but I am not quite finished all of them, however seeing that he copied my code like 9/10 text to text, angers me.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2013, 05:19:21 PM by Markusmoo »

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Re: Decicus' ULX Commands - V1.0
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2013, 05:45:50 PM »
Where do you have your code posted for anyone to view?
« Last Edit: November 24, 2013, 07:55:22 PM by JamminR »
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Offline Decicus

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Re: Decicus' ULX Commands - V1.0
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2013, 10:46:08 PM »
Partially of what he says is true. He did originally create the "skick" command that I used, in a way. Except for the fact that he overwrote the normal "ULX kick" command.
I technically copied the default command, added a 's' here and there, and then modifying the fancyLogAdmin slightly. I've talked to him privately, and I've decided to remove the command from my addon so he can post it in his own package.
I have to say that I did a bit of a rude thing, but it's not like I took completely credit for the command. He was never mentioned in the post, but I did in fact add a small comment in the script that refers to him.

I still don't like how he said that I copied his command, mine is still different than his way (his way was to make the skick command "opposite" of the default kick, and then run checks to make it run silently if "skick" was used instead of "kick"), and I honestly can't find any other (simple, that is) way to modify the normal kick command to make it silent.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2013, 10:56:31 PM by Decicus »
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Offline Markusmoo

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Re: Decicus' ULX Commands - V1.0
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2013, 11:39:05 PM »
Thank you Decicius for resolving my issue, I really appreciate it.  This command was the very first command I made in TTT and I would hate to see it leave in another person's hands. 

I am making my own command bundle so you guys should expect to see it there.  Feel free to PM me if you guys need the command at the moment.

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Re: Decicus' ULX Commands - V1.0
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2013, 08:14:21 AM »
What about the SBan I made for you? Include that in the bundle.

Offline Decicus

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Re: Decicus' ULX Commands - V1.0
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2013, 08:46:25 AM »
What about the SBan I made for you? Include that in the bundle.
Oh, right, I was going to add that, but then I testeed it.
When I tried to use it from the console, it still said something along the lines of "Player disconnected" or something like that.
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Offline JamminR

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Re: Decicus' ULX Commands - V1.0
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2013, 02:01:01 PM »
Decicus, Thank you for sorting this out.
Thanks to you both for keeping reasonable semblance of maturity and discussion open in this community.
I would have had to take sides with information provided, and I rarely like doing that.

Now, on to improvement.
Decicus, the option to prevent any ULX command from being run can be done through ULib command ULibCommandCalled
There are several other ULib hooks there too that could be used to look for "ulx kick" as the command being used if you needed to prevent ulx kick from working.
Feel free to post questions in the developers section if you have any.
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Re: Decicus' ULX Commands - V1.0
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2013, 07:33:23 PM »
Does the current !slap not use damage measuring?
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Offline Decicus

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Re: Decicus' ULX Commands - V1.0
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2013, 10:43:15 PM »
Now, on to improvement.
Decicus, the option to prevent any ULX command from being run can be done through ULib command ULibCommandCalled
There are several other ULib hooks there too that could be used to look for "ulx kick" as the command being used if you needed to prevent ulx kick from working.
Feel free to post questions in the developers section if you have any.
Not really sure what you meant by this, explain please?

Does the current !slap not use damage measuring?
I assume not. I didn't quite understand what you meant by "damage measuring" in this context?
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Offline JamminR

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Re: Decicus' ULX Commands - V1.0
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2013, 05:05:48 PM »
Not really sure what you meant by this, explain please?
In a previous post, you said this;
I honestly can't find any other (simple, that is) way to modify the normal kick command to make it silent.

Using the hook I mentioned, you could prevent the normal ULX command from even running, then substitute in your own (silent or otherwise)
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Offline Decicus

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Re: Decicus' ULX Commands - V1.0
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2013, 12:58:03 AM »
It was meant more as an argument towards Markusmoo when he said that I copied his command. Since I can't seem to find a simpler way to make a command run silently other than adding the "true" to the fancylog, hence why my command is so similar to what he created (the command he created isn't posted anywhere other than a "closed-off" section on a different forum).
It was meant to be an external command, and not one overriding the default one.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2013, 05:49:42 AM by Decicus »
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Offline Decicus

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Re: Decicus' ULX Commands - V1.1
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2013, 11:24:51 AM »
It's updated to 1.1.
There's a "changelog" in the original post.
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Offline Decicus

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Re: Decicus' ULX Commands - V2.0
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2014, 03:47:33 PM »
I'm just letting everyone know this is updated a little bit. Not much has changed other than some minor improvements.

I'd also like to ask the community if they have any command requests (check out Cobalt's ULX commands if you haven't already, just in case).
Contact information:
E-mail: alex@thomassen.xyz.
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