Simple Reports
A way for players to communicate or report players to admins.
Hello, again im here with a little addon i made for my server.
Since I thought it would be a nice addition for other Servers I did it in mind for being public.
It's just a Simple, really simple GUI that allows everyone to Report a Player or write a custom message to online administraitors with the "srp_access" Flag.
But without any further talking here are some screenies:

!report Menu:

!report Menu (Custom Message)
!openreports (admin overview)
Installation:Download, and just put the "simplereports" Folder in your Server's addons folder.
Configuration:The config is kept simple, you can add reasons for the "send message to admins tab" or delete them by just going into
And editing the PREDEF_REASONS Table, keep in mind every entrie needs a comma and the last one doenst.
You can also customize your language, just edit the lang = "EN" to lang = "yourlang" and duplicate the LOCAL_TEXT["EN"] and rename it to LOCAL_TEXT["yourlang"] and rename the strings.
DownloadGithub (newest Version)Github Page (for contributions)(MODERATORS: If you dont mind ill not put a attachment on as github has the newest version and probably never goes down... but if you want it just msg me)
as english is not my native language there are some typo's but you can correct them in the config ;')
Also if someone want's to correct my english just make a pull request on github or send me an fixed table.