Author Topic: Ulx Screengrab tab in Ulx Menu  (Read 4892 times)

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Ulx Screengrab tab in Ulx Menu
« on: July 27, 2014, 07:57:45 PM »
As the title describes, I was wondering how to add a custom command to the ulx menu like the ulx screengrab command here I've also included the lua code files from the github this addon came from. I do not own any of this code, I thank PaellaPablo for his contribution of the code to the facepunch community.

I am doing a test server and adding content to it before I actually purchase a dedicated server for TTT.

I copied the code from the custom commands addon for !vslaynr and the button displays from the photo but it will not work obviously. I need to know what code to use in order to pull that ulx command in when calling the button, any thoughts? It would make it much easier than to type out !sg <name> every time a staff member needs to see if someone is hacking.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 01:15:49 PM by RDGXTECHX »