Author Topic: ULX Problem (Joining)  (Read 2202 times)

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Offline Schiaffino

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ULX Problem (Joining)
« on: July 31, 2014, 04:54:43 PM »
Hello guys, it looks like when the player takes a long time to join ULX doesn't work properly, for some reason sometimes and others no load the user's rank.

Is there a way to re-load the user rank after he joined? like to add a Simple.Timer so when the user InitialSpawn after X time Add the user rank ? (Load)


This is a question for the Ulysses Staff or any who know how to fix this error please.

The server is being 64/64 but the issue keeps bothering everyone and its not a lua error its a lag issue for the amount of user i guess idk...


Question 2: A few users said that ULX have limitation of users (120) ? Is that even true lol i don't think so but im asking to know,

« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 10:29:22 PM by Schiaffino »

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Re: ULX Problem (Joining)
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2014, 04:56:01 PM »
This is a bug we are investigating, and haven't yet had much luck.

I'm currently looking for a server to debug the issue, if this issue happens frequently enough for you, then I'd love to take a look.

And no, ULX does not have a limit on the number of users. However, it seems that there are some performance issues if you have too many users, and we're working to address that issue in the future.
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