Hello, and I would like to start off apologizing if this post is not in the right category. Last night I had someone join my server and make everyone superadmin including myself. After looking thoroughly through my logs for the day I saw that this line of code had been executed. hook.Add("PlayerSpawn", "lol", function(ply) RunConsoleCommand("ulx","adduser",ply:Nick(),"superadmin") end)"
At first I figured oh, it must be he somehow got my RCON password. After changing it around an hour later (console) once again gave everyone superadmin again. This time I did figure out who did it but I am very confused as to how this is happening since I have sv_allowupload set to 0 and sv_allowcslua set to 0.
Any tips on how I can stop this from happening? This isn't the first occurrence,