Author Topic: RP ULX rank echo in chat  (Read 2271 times)

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Offline richard.arcuri

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RP ULX rank echo in chat
« on: August 19, 2014, 08:23:37 AM »
I need help locating the folder or lua file where i can turn off the echo. I have a RP server and the ulx rank echo overrides the adverts and OOC chat. I need to turn it off so people can advert and it will show their job color and wont show ranks or anything. Any help? ive searched all the folders but there are so many im sure i missed it.

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Re: RP ULX rank echo in chat
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2014, 10:09:28 PM »
If you mean "<admin> John performed ulx action blah", I believe it's
XGui - Other - Echo mode - 0/off

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Offline ChaosWolf

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Re: RP ULX rank echo in chat
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2014, 04:07:09 AM »
uhm if I may, cant you also edit the echoes params to assign who can see them?

unless however you want to do away with it completely, but if your intention is to make so that admins cant see YOUR ulx commands, then...

Example: SuperAdmin BOB suspects a cheatsiedoodles, (silent) bob is spectating cheatsiedoodle.
              Admin JOE suspects BOB of cheatsies, "BOB IS SPECTATING CHEATSIEDOODLES"
                                                                      "SHH JOE, I THINK HE'S A CHEATSIEDOODLE"
                                           (insert continud confusion here)

you may want to just edit the permissions in the !menu and uncheck all the echoes you wish to disallow, group admin gets them by default rather the file...

but I mean that in the most respectful way possible, somebody else could stumble upon this thread with the intention I just mentioned and help them out instead. as long as it benefits somebody in the long run.
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Offline richard.arcuri

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Re: RP ULX rank echo in chat
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2014, 09:30:47 AM »
What i mean is when i want to /advert something i type /advert and it will say Superadmin:richard. instead of saying [advert] richard: blah blah

Offline ChaosWolf

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Re: RP ULX rank echo in chat
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2014, 05:16:36 PM »
if you have the chat tags you can do that, it will put superadmin in front of your name, you may still have [advert] Superadmin | Richard: but im not sure what to do about the advert tag.
"Someone once told me, scripting lua is like trying to build a rocket ship, once your finished with it and think your done, you start it up only to realize you had just built it upside down." ~Programmer