Author Topic: HEAVY PROJECT IDEA  (Read 2544 times)

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Offline ChaosWolf

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« on: August 23, 2014, 08:39:10 PM »
while I was on the subject of map building I had another really great idea, but its going to take a lot of effort from the Ulysses team, however it will get a lot of attention from the workshop and developer communities. while I was on the subject of map building and drawing concept schemes for a project I posted about earlier. I had this idea.

picture this.

ULX Map Builder

why just limit your to addons for the server admin mod? why not make another ULX developer tool? this would be ground breaking! imagine a tool that allowed flatland grid elevation tool allowing hills, cliffs, holes, and more. preset map templates, default textures like grass1, grass2, grass3, rock1, rock2, wasteland1, desert1, desert2, and something that allowed you to combine/merge textures, wall texture packs like stone, brick, wood, and different variants of them. you could include not just Ulysses team but allow developers in handling building textures, have your own item builder and texture creator. then allow texture packs to be added to the mod like addons to ulx. basic shapes and structers, spawn plates, the possibilities are nearly endless, quite litteraly... imagine ulx being the leading map building tool because of its simplicity.

Possible tools
- Elevation editor
- Shape Grids
- Default Textures
- Structure builder's
- Item builder
- Texture Designer
- Open Sourcing
- Map Tester (spawn in)
- Etching/Engraving tool
- World View & Grid View
- Working Mechanics (allowing movement.)

you can base a lot of these ideas and use pre-existing programs/tools as a template.

"Ulysses, Striving for Simplicity"
well there is your challenge Team Ulysses

what do you think?
« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 08:55:54 PM by chaoswolf »
"Someone once told me, scripting lua is like trying to build a rocket ship, once your finished with it and think your done, you start it up only to realize you had just built it upside down." ~Programmer

Offline MrPresident

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« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2014, 10:40:30 PM »
Simply not possible. You want to make maps for gmod, use Hammer. That's the only way to do it.

Source maps are not dynamic and cannot be generated on the fly.

Offline JamminR

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« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2014, 12:05:29 AM »
Nor does Team Ulysses have the time to work on such a monumental project.
You're welcome to learn lua and start working on any of your own ideas as modules for ULib(or ULX)
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline ChaosWolf

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« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2014, 01:34:39 AM »
That hurts, I am proficient in lua... and ive already started building maps. but I haven't released them yet. I am in the process of building two more. and yes I use hammer.
"Someone once told me, scripting lua is like trying to build a rocket ship, once your finished with it and think your done, you start it up only to realize you had just built it upside down." ~Programmer