Author Topic: ULX Target tags  (Read 2172 times)

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Offline Divii

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ULX Target tags
« on: September 26, 2014, 08:10:43 AM »
Hey guys I have a question, that I think would be fairly easy to answer :)

So basically let's say we have these kind of ranks in a server

User - Donator - Moderator - Admin - Super Admin

And let's say I give the moderator rank access to a bunch of commands, for instance, !slay.
What would the target tags be if I want the Moderator to be able to target the users, the donators, and the moderators only; not the higher ranks?

Same for Admin and Super Admin, what are the tags be if I want to make them target everyone besides a higher rank?

Would help immensely! Thanks in advance!

Offline Avoid

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Re: ULX Target tags
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2014, 08:28:04 AM »
Hey guys I have a question, that I think would be fairly easy to answer :)

So basically let's say we have these kind of ranks in a server

User - Donator - Moderator - Admin - Super Admin

And let's say I give the moderator rank access to a bunch of commands, for instance, !slay.
What would the target tags be if I want the Moderator to be able to target the users, the donators, and the moderators only; not the higher ranks?

Same for Admin and Super Admin, what are the tags be if I want to make them target everyone besides a higher rank?

Would help immensely! Thanks in advance!

Hello there,
please have a read through the FAQ! :)

And here a quote straight from the post of sticklyman:
Code: [Select]
superadmin: *  (or leave blank)
admin: !%superadmin
operator: !%admin
user: !%operator

Hopefully you get the idea.

Offline Divii

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Re: ULX Target tags
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2014, 08:31:20 AM »
Hello there,
please have a read through the FAQ! :)

And here a quote straight from the post of sticklyman:
Code: [Select]
superadmin: *  (or leave blank)
admin: !%superadmin
operator: !%admin
user: !%operator

Hopefully you get the idea.

Ah thank you so much! I tend to get lost a lot, although I searched for this countless times ;-;
Thanks again Avoid! :)