Author Topic: What about ULX for MineCraft xD  (Read 3245 times)

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What about ULX for MineCraft xD
« on: September 27, 2014, 09:41:32 PM »
I think that it would be very difficult but would turn out well if minecraft had the same menu and commands and stuff which would also make minecraft more popular. I'm going to have a vote down below to see who agrees with me. To vote just type yes or no!

Offline JamminR

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Re: What about ULX for MineCraft xD
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2014, 11:54:55 PM »
Has Minecraft allowed Lua? If not, then, (95%) no.
At least, not by current Team Ulysses.
Heck, I'm not even sure Minecraft allows for plugins yet. Last time I looked (about a year ago), Mojang had still been promising support for plugins for some years and still hadn't implimented them. Bucket, to my memory, was a hacked in admin mod.
ULib is very portable for Lua games. Megiddo even had plans to port it a bit to another famous game that used Lua, but, guess what...we lost time and interest.
We barely have time to maintain ULib for Gmod.
Porting it to another coding language would probably be nigh impossible due to current teams time constraints.

I've been so busy, I've not played Minecraft for almost a year or more now myself.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2014, 12:08:40 AM by JamminR »
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Re: What about ULX for MineCraft xD
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2015, 07:16:52 PM »
This is an old, old post, but...

You could use lua on minecraft... using LuaCraft, but I suggest learning LUA and taking this up yourself, as I feel none of the people on this forum would work on it with/or for you.

Oh and the thing JamminR was talking about... its called Bukkit and I'm pretty sure its still going, but it dosent use lua.
<==> FakePromote/Demote <==> RandomMap <==> ForceMic <==> Search <==> PlayMenu <==
ServerMode <==