For some reason on my DarkRp Server (2.5.1) My ulx ranks keep breaking. Now there's a variety of things that are happening, the first issue is, for example, A "Donator" joins the server but can't become a donator job all of the sudden because it says they're not donator. I check the groups and the "Donator" player is still in the group, I try to re add them but it still won't work. The player rejoins and still it won't work. But after about 30-120 minutes it will automatically fix itself. Also resetting the server fixes it everytime. Now this keeps happening for all my ranks, and I really don't know why. Also the 2nd issue is sometimes player completely lose their rank. But I have suspicion that my Automatic Donation system is causing that. And it doesn't happen often. I just wanna fix the first issue! Now here's some extra info to hopefully help you guys solve this for me.
- I have done fresh installs of Ulx and Ulib
- Here's my Custom check for jobs and items: I'm using DarkE's Automatic Donation System
- I use FileZilla for FTP
- My server host is NFO
- Here's my console.lua log: No I do not get any script errors
- Yes I tried removing Fadmin. Still had the same issue