Author Topic: Custom !donate command to open webpage  (Read 6189 times)

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Offline Astro Gaming | Dylan

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Custom !donate command to open webpage
« on: December 13, 2014, 08:10:56 AM »
Hello I am in need of help. I have seen other DarkRP servers who have special ULX commands such as !forum, !donate, !apply etc and I needed this for my server and I seen an old post on how to do it here but it is outdated so if anyone knows how to help me for example I want the user to type in !astroshop and it will open a steam overlay which takes the user to our website! Thankyou so much to everyone who helps me out

- Dylan :)

Offline Astro Gaming | Dylan

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Re: Custom !donate command to open webpage
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2014, 12:43:19 PM »
That is completely different that is to do with add-ons etc can you help me please

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