Hi guy's Great mod by theway,
Thanks. We're glad you like it.
Anyway what i wanted to ask was I added a person to The admin using the command ulx adduser but they abuse they're admin and are too childish with it, What i wanted to know was how do i remove this user from being an admin on my server ? can anyone please let me know
See my answer to another discussion
hereIt was difficult for even me to find again. I'm considering polishing it up and making a sticky of it in General Chat & Help and Support.
2. Sorry about this
also if i wanted a person to have lets say teleport would it be for example ulx allow "Convilement" Teleport ?? if so please let me know
I don't have a server console in front of me to use 'ulx help', but I believe the command would be
ulx userallow "Convilement" "ulx teleport"
Check out 'ulx help' from the console, I believe it gives a better example for userallow
Thank you guy's and any help is appreciated
You're welcome.