Author Topic: Moderator can physgun admin and superadmin.  (Read 6388 times)

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Offline Cupnugget209

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Moderator can physgun admin and superadmin.
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:10:54 PM »
 Alright so all my groups are working perfectly except for one problem. My moderators can physgun the admin and superadmin groups. They can't use any commands like !jail or !kick, but they can physgun them.

My groups are set up like this:
superadmin, inherits from: admin, can target: *
admin, inherits from: moderator, can target: !%superadmin
moderator, inherits from: platinum, can target: !%admin
platinum, inherits from: gold, can target: !%moderator
gold, inherits from: moderator, can target: !%platinum
silver, inherits from: platinum, can target: !%gold
bronze, inherits from: gold, can target: !%silver
regular, inherits from: user, can target: !%user
user, inherits from: user, can target: !%user

I have tried using the following command in my garrysmod console since i am using a server host:
rcon_password (mypassword)
ulx groupallow moderator physgunplayers "!%admin"

Then it says this :
Group "moderator" already has access to "physgunplayers".

I also have an issue with the tab menu in game. Although the moderators can not use the !jail command on higher up staff, they can still use the tab menu commands or buttons on them. For example: a moderator can use the tab menu jail command on a admin or superadmin. How would i go about fixing this?


Offline Caustic Soda-Senpai

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Re: Moderator can physgun admin and superadmin.
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2015, 11:19:31 PM »
1st problem shouldn't be happening. You have your hierarchy set up correct so idk why.

2nd problem, disable FAdmin.
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Offline Cupnugget209

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Re: Moderator can physgun admin and superadmin.
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2015, 10:18:52 AM »
Alright well i was using an old version of ULX and ULIB then updated them. Could that be the reason moderator can still physgun admins and superadmins? Should i try to delete the moderator group, then remake it?

And for the TAB menu commands, how would i remove FAdmin, and if i did would it remove anything that i would want to keep? because i want to keep the TAB menu buttons, its just the moderators can use them on higher staff members.

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