Author Topic: ULX simply forgets a user's group after a while  (Read 2596 times)

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ULX simply forgets a user's group after a while
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:52:48 AM »
Hello everyone :)

I'm having quite a bit of trouble with my ULX installation on my TTT Server. I am also using the latest (beta) ULX/Ulib packages from GitHub.

These are the Addons I'm using:
Advanced Join/Leave
TTT Commands for ULX
Player Chat Tags
Apromote XGui
TTT Damagelogs + MySQLOO

The problem is that some players are losing their set group upon rejoining. I have enabled donations for my server and I give my donors a special greeting message and a chat tag.
The APromote plugin promotes players to "stammspieler" (which, in german, means regular player) upon reaching 24h of playtime on the server. But it happens on a regular basis, that a donor joins and is automatically put as "stammspieler" due to their playtime of >24h. This should only happen when a player is in no group (or the default "user" group).
Some moderators (operators) also get their group reset from time to time. I could not find any kind of pattern, it just happens to occur randomly.

Now that I think about it, I remember that even my first moderator (operator) on the server was experiencing group resets even without most of the above listed addons installed. For some odd reason, some "users" are listed inside my data/ulib/users.txt and the formatting sometimes differs (deny, allow, name, group | next entry then starts with name, group, deny, allow etc.).

I don't want to break all my groups etc., which is why I would kindly ask you guys to help me out solving this problem. It's driving me nuts.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 09:56:05 AM by Luk | »
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Re: ULX simply forgets a user's group after a while
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2015, 03:42:38 PM »
It's been a long time since I've heard this reported in anything but DarkRP.
The last time I did see this issue and it not be DarkRP, a person was using an autopromote script, and had hundreds (maybe thousands?) of users 'promoted' to a non-default group.
(But, the were using MUCH lower autopromote time.. 1 or 2 hours I think, which, isn't really hard to do so the list grew too much)

I'd make guesses, which might be wrong, that ULib, ULX, Autopromote, and a huge user list are getting out of sync when a player joins, and one ends up winning.
Difficult to determine which one.
Add to that a heavy load on the server to Gmod game/shared host/whatever, or a crash, and any one of the scripts has more chance of being confused.

It sounds as though Autopromote is running first/faster, if donators are getting placed into stammspieler before ULib determines/Autopromote detects that players are actually donator.
Example - donator joins, Autopromote sees time and group as "user", changes access to stammspieler, THEN ULib initializes and sees actual group update different than what it originally had in file,
Summarized, I'd blame Autopromote. Not in a malicious "it's bad" way, just a "it seems to be changing access faster than ULib can tell it not to" way.

Again, just guessing from what it sounds like.

Any errors in server console (or clients?) during server startup or player connect when any of these issues occur?
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Re: ULX simply forgets a user's group after a while
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2015, 08:08:12 AM »
Thank you very much for your extended reply!

I guess I'll have to gradually disable addon by addon, with APromote to be the first one. I will report back if I see any changes. I'm currently using the Workshop version of the APromote addon. I will try using apple's version from the Release forum. Maybe that helps, and if not I'll go deeper and disable more. My players will have to live without some features until now then. Thanks again!
« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 09:39:52 AM by Luk | »
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Re: ULX simply forgets a user's group after a while
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2015, 06:04:38 PM »
Reporting back to tell you that manually cleaning up the users.txt from "users" and "stammspieler" + using the APromote XGUI plugin from this forum has solved the issue completely. The server is running consistently for about 2 weeks now. Thanks a bunch!
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Offline JamminR

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Re: ULX simply forgets a user's group after a while
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2015, 08:02:08 PM »
Great to hear.
Glad my theorizing helped.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming