Wow Bite that Apple, if I've never pictured something someone being said in text before as being dramatic, I think now is definitely a first.
Get some rest. Sleep on it. If you just woke up and are reasonably rested, go focus on something else a while. Outdoors perhaps. 
Meh... honestly I was getting sick and tired of it. I had run into this problem before, and no one in the
entire world of facepunch could help me and solve the issue, so it just annoyed me so
{INSERT WORD HERE} much that I could never really get an answer. I had also been working on this project for three days, trying to get that part to work, so I had become really irritable.
Just because you don't understand how some of the more involved functions in lua work, don't start thinking that something is impossible.
Turns out it's very easy to do.
Turns out all you need is EyeAngles and SetEyeAngles. I just tested it in game.
As I typically same from time to time, "you can do anything and everything in garry's mod, with a little imagination", though this seemed impossible. I have not tested what you have provided me, I'm going to assume it works because you went out of your way to make a little video and inserted your community logo, some fancy text, and even went through the troublesome of actually doing it all.
Will edit this post if works: