Author Topic: ulx usergroup in loading screen  (Read 2027 times)

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Offline ilyasokol

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ulx usergroup in loading screen
« on: February 12, 2015, 06:31:48 PM »
i need help with adding the ulx usergroup database list of people.
this is how the loading screen is now http://jcraft.us/loadingscreen/vanilla/vanilla.html
it was made by me. I want to make it so that the loading screen staff list will automatically show the staff that are owners admins and mods by using the ulx usergroup database. I am constantly having to re-edit the loadingscreen everytime someone gets promoted or demoted. so instead of doing that the staff will promote or demote the player in-game and the ulx usergroup database will remove or update the staff member of the list in the loading screen. Can anyone help?

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Re: ulx usergroup in loading screen
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2015, 07:04:01 PM »
You would need to move to a MySQL solution for authenticating your users. There are a few options out there for ULX and doing a search should yield you a result or two.
This will require some understanding of MySQL as well as how to use MySQL in php. You'll also have to make your loading screen a php file instead of an html file. You'll also need to use and have working the MySQLOO extension for gmod which you can probably find on Facepunch.