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- Confirm that you removed the noclip effect:Code: [Select]TRTD.AddEffect({name="noclip", duration=20, enable=function(ply) ply:SetMoveType(MOVETYPE_NOCLIP)end, disable=function(ply) ply:SetMoveType(MOVETYPE_WALK) ply:UnTrap()end})The code above should be removed from the original file!- Confirm that the changes were saved correctly.- Make sure that the server did, in fact, restart.If you're still having issues after you tried these things, you'll have to show me the contents of your trtd.lua file.
TRTD.AddEffect({name="noclip", duration=20, enable=function(ply) ply:SetMoveType(MOVETYPE_NOCLIP)end, disable=function(ply) ply:SetMoveType(MOVETYPE_WALK) ply:UnTrap()end})
rtdlist = {} nodelay = "false" //--[list BEGIN]--// rtdlist[1] = function(ply) //????????????????????????????????????????// nothing rtdTextToAll(ply:Nick().." got nothing.","????? "..ply:Nick().." ?????? ?? ???????.") end rtdlist[2] = function(ply) //????????????????????????????????????????// kill ply:Kill() rtdTextToAll(ply:Nick().." has been killed!","????? "..ply:Nick().." ????!") end rtdlist[3] = function(ply) //????????????????????????????????????????// hp+ local rand = math.random(1,48) ply:SetHealth(ply:Health()+rand); rtdTextToAll(ply:Nick().." got their health added by "..rand..".","????? "..ply:Nick().." ??????? "..rand.." ??.") end rtdlist[4] = function(ply) //????????????????????????????????????????// hp- local rand = math.random(1,48) ply:SetHealth(ply:Health()-rand); if (ply:Health()<=0) then ply:Kill() rtdTextToAll(ply:Nick().." has been killed!","????? "..ply:Nick().." ????!") else rtdTextToAll(ply:Nick().." got their health added by -"..rand..".","????? "..ply:Nick().." ??????? "..rand.." ??.") end end rtdlist[5] = function(ply) //????????????????????????????????????????// armor+ local rand = math.random(1,32) ply:SetArmor(ply:Armor()+rand); if (ply:Armor()>255) then ply:SetArmor(255); end rtdTextToAll(ply:Nick().." got their armor added by "..rand..".","????? "..ply:Nick().." ??????? "..rand.." ?????? ?????.") end rtdlist[6] = function(ply) //????????????????????????????????????????// ignite local rand = math.random(1,16) ply:Ignite(rand); rtdTextToAll(ply:Nick().." has been ignited by "..rand.." sec.","????? "..ply:Nick().." ????????? ?? "..rand.." ???.") end rtdlist[7] = function(ply) //????????????????????????????????????????// strip ply:StripWeapons(); ply:Give("weapon_crowbar"); rtdTextToAll(ply:Nick().." got stripped of all their weapons.","????? "..ply:Nick().." ??????? ??? ???? ??????.") end rtdlist[8] = function(ply) //????????????????????????????????????????// respawn local tempHrtd = ply:Health() local tempArtd = ply:Armor() local tempGrav = ply:GetGravity() ply:Spawn() ply:SetHealth(tempHrtd) ply:SetArmor(tempArtd) ply:SetGravity(tempGrav) rtdTextToAll(ply:Nick().." has been respawned.","????? "..ply:Nick().." ????????? ? ??????.") end rtdlist[9] = function(ply) //????????????????????????????????????????// low gravity ply:SetGravity(0.4); rtdTextToAll(ply:Nick().." got low gravity.","????? "..ply:Nick().." ??????? ?????? ??????????.") end rtdlist[10] = function(ply) //????????????????????????????????????????// high gravity ply:SetGravity(1.6); rtdTextToAll(ply:Nick().." got high gravity.","????? "..ply:Nick().." ??????? ??????? ??????????.") end rtdlist[11] = function(ply) //????????????????????????????????????????// 1hp ply:SetHealth(1) rtdTextToAll(ply:Nick().." got their health setted to 1.","? ?????? "..ply:Nick().." ?????? 1 ??.") end rtdlist[12] = function(ply) //????????????????????????????????????????// frag ply:Give("weapon_frag"); rtdTextToAll(ply:Nick().." has found frag grenade.","????? "..ply:Nick().." ??????? ???????.") end //--[list END]--// function rtdClientText(ply,s1,s2) //say to player if (ply:GetPData("srtdLang","en") == "en") then ply:SendLua("chat.AddText(Color(40,40,200),\"[RTD]\",Color(200,200,20),\" "..s1.."\")"); else ply:SendLua("chat.AddText(Color(40,40,200),\"[RTD]\",Color(200,200,20),\" "..s2.."\")"); end end function rtdTextToAll(s1,s2) //say to all for _,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do rtdClientText(v,s1,s2); end end function rtdPlayerSay( ply, text, public ) //chat command texp = string.Explode( " ", string.lower(text)) if if ply:IsAdmin() then rtdClientText(ply,"nodelay = "..texp[3],"nodelay = "..texp[3]); nodelay = texp[3] else rtdClientText(ply,"You are not admin.","?? ?? ?????."); end return false end if ((texp[1] == "!rtd") or (texp[1] == "/rtd") or (texp[1] == "rtd")) then if ((nodelay == "false") and (os.time() < (ply:GetNWInt("srtdLastUsed",0)+60))) then local st = ply:GetNWInt("srtdLastUsed",0)+60-os.time() rtdClientText(ply,"Wait "..st.." seconds.","????????? "..st.." ???."); return false end if not(ply:Alive()) then rtdClientText(ply,"You're dead.","?? ??????."); return false end rtdClientText(ply,"New roll the dice.","????? ?????? ??????."); local r = math.random(1,#rtdlist); for k,v in pairs(rtdlist) do if (k == r) then v(ply) end end ply:SetNWInt("srtdLastUsed",os.time()); return false end end hook.Add( "PlayerSay", "rtdPlayerSay", rtdPlayerSay)
Wh... what? I did not write any of that code, bobo0044... This topic is solely for questions/feedback/support on the dice I wrote.
I presume there are gamemodes that do armor?Though I see you have health dice effects, should add armor too, if being used in a gamemode that uses it.
WHAT! TEHN WHOS IS IT oh, God <censor> it :C I'm sorry I was auctally editing a broke 1 which is old I forgot to delete it sorry <3 anyway thanks for helping me remove noclip PARTY <3add me on steam pls aswell http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084713827/