My friends recently (last night) started their own TTT server, because late-night Skype said it was a good idea.
Anyway, I've been put in charge of the server addons and website.
I successfully installed the most recent ULX Admin Mod; however, the
Custom ULX Commands by Cobalt don't show up. The "Custom" tab in the xgui doesn't show up; subsequently, the custom commands don't work.
Tommy228's TTTDamagelogs addon isn't working, either.
I've followed, or at least I think so, the installation instructions. I mean, it's just dragging the contents into the addons folder, right?

Am I missing something? The other addons are working fine, it's just these two. Two very important ones, since we all have prior moderating experience, we want to create our own little community like the ones we've worked with. Not being able to properly moderate the server is a serious issue for us
Yes, I've tried looking into this; I can't seem to find anything.
The server is updated for the new GMod version, as I wouldn't be able to join it if it was outdated. Are the addons I chose incompatible with my server version?
I'm very new to this side of a server and have spent all of today trying to figure this out.
Please help me before I tear my hair out xP