Author Topic: ULX Random Additions  (Read 3995 times)

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Offline linkfania

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ULX Random Additions
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:44:43 PM »
A concept for an addon that adds... Well... Random additions to ULX!
If anyone wants to work on this with me, contact me at
-Add more parameters to commands to further customize commands
     Example: gag * /em (Gags everyone but you)
-Add presets to add info in fields quickly, such as making exquisite ban reasons that say something like this:
     Reason for ban: RDM.
     Apply for ban appeal at
     Time: 4:20 AM
     Banner: GarryNewman
     Banee: Ain Afknil
-Add groups, groups of players like in ULX ranks, so you can do this:
     gag * /eg Hommies (Gag everyone except anyone on the server in the group "Hommies)
     You can have client-side and server-side groups.
-Add !voteslay command for TTT
     For the times without admins to actually slay
     There is also !voteslaynr
-Add !svote- and !gvote- commands
     Have a vote take place only between staff or anyone in the specified group/ULX rank.
...And possibly more!

Here is something I typed up explaining some things in this concept:
by linkfania/linkfan321
This addon adds random additions to ULX in the
form of commands and attitions to commands.

Allow for more diverse admin management.
Applied within an existing command via /.
e. gag * /es
The /es is an RA-perameter.
/e - Except
Exempts a player from a command's action
f. /e [excluded player(s)]
e. gag * /e contrefeu, linkfania
   /em - Except Me
   Exempts you from a command's action. Can be followed by all other /e branches.
   f. /em
   e. gag * /em
   /es - Except Staff
   Exempts all staff members (every rank that inherits from admin or superadmin) from a command's action. Can be followed by all /e branches.
   f. /es
   e. gag * /es
   /eg - Except Group
   Exempts all members of a ULX rank or group (server- or client-side) from a command's action. Can be folowed by all other /e branches.
   f. /eg [ULX rank/group]
   e. gag * /eg Hommies
/g - Group
Use in place of a target to target a specific ULX rank or group.
   Groups are server- or client-side, well, GROUPS of players of intrest. They are similar to ULX ranks. All ULX ranks are groups.
   Groups are shown in chat and in scoreboards/TAB menus. They are created via either command line or XGUI.
   Adding groups:
      !groups add [name] [ULX rank/group inherit] [s=server;c or nothing=client]
   Adding people to groups:
      !groups recruit [player name*/steamID] [group name]
      *If you put in part of a name, and multiple people have that part in their name, a prompt will appear asking you to choose which person you want to add.
f. /g [ULX rank/group]
/p - Preset
Use in place of a ban/kick/etc. reason to use a preset.
   Presets are a way of quickly addding in info in fields.
   An example of where presets can be used is for ban reasons.
f. /p [preset name] (preset parameters)
e1. !ban Teeleh 60 /p ban-random Threatening Elyon's rule.
   - Of course, RA-parameters.
   - !gag, !mute, etc. now has a time feature. Set for a specific time how long that person will be gagged/muted/etc.
!voteslay, !voteslaynr
For TTT.
Allows a vote to be taken for slaying a person or persons.
f. !voteslay [target] [reason]
f. !voteslaynr [target] [slay options;max=4;separate with commas(1,2,3)] [reason]
e. !voteslay CoolDude567 too cool
e. !votelaynr CoolDude567 1,2 too cool
Allows a vote to take place between admins.
There is an !svote- for every !vote-.
e. !svoteban Micheal 60 mass rdm
Allows a vote to take place between members of a certian ULX rank or group.
NOTE: Only SERVER-SIDE groups are allowed to be targeted to participate by default (for obvious reasons). There IS an option to allow client-side groups, but think before you change it. You could cause admin-abuse pandamonium.
There is an !gvote- for every !vote-
f. !gvote- [target if needed] [extra parameters] [ULX RANK/GROUP] [extra parameters]
e. !gvoteban Teeleh 0 Hommies Reason for the Horde
For the times where you just gotta do what you just gotta do.
Disables certian admin functions for the purpose of disabling taking things to seriously.
To activate:
1. Type !testmodeactivate
2. It will ask for a passcode. Type it in (you will set it up in first run of this addon).
3. A message will be sent to the owner to ask for permission for test mode. If he allows it, test mode will activate.
To deactivate:
1. Type !testmodedeactivate
2. It will ask for a passcode. THIS IS A DIFFERENT PASSCODE! Type it in.
To activate TTT hax:
This is for TTT servers. It gives a higher percentage of T/D players and disables the credits system. You can buy ANYTHING.
1. Type !testmodeTTThaxactivate
2. Passcode time! Again, different passcode. You know what to do.
To deactivate TTT hax:
1. Type !testmodeTTThaxdeactivate
2. Passcode time! This time, it is the same passcode used in activation. UKWTD (You Know What To Do).
Activating/Deactivating Sandbox, DarkRP, etc. hax is similar to TTT hax. To find out what each hax does and how to set it up, go to the website.

Offline JamminR

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Re: ULX Random Additions
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2015, 08:42:09 PM »
Many of your suggestions for permission extension already exist within ULX using groupallow or userallow.
The @, ^, %, #, $ are all advanced targeting methods both for setting static perms for players/groups, but also when using individual commands.
When a command already allows multiple targets, !^ can be used to target everyone but you. (!^ means "not me" !=not, ^=me)
I'd recommend you read the first paragraph of your console "ulx help", "ulx usermanagementhelp", our FAQ "How exactly does can_target work?", the other discussion it points to in a later post "Immunity, how it works now".

As for TTT specific commands, as an admin mod, we attempt to stay gamemode agnostic.
Additionally, I believe some of the TTT ideas you suggest have already been released in our Releases section by community members, or mentioned/done in developers corner discussion.

By no means am I saying what you suggest is bad, I'm just saying don't be so quick to re-invent a wheel if it's already round.
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Offline Stranger Danger

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Re: ULX Random Additions
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2015, 09:29:15 PM »
By no means am I saying what you suggest is bad, I'm just saying don't be so quick to re-invent a wheel if it's already round.

Offline Megiddo

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Re: ULX Random Additions
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2015, 01:52:42 PM »
I agree with JamminR. The targeting system does most of what you're asking already. At some point in the future, we'd like to support more set operations (only union is supported right now), but it's low on the priority list.
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Offline Tomzen

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Re: ULX Random Additions
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2015, 05:27:50 PM »
The 'test mode' is basically what I'm working on with my 'ServerMode' plugin, you type !mode maintenance, or "m" for short and it will change the server to maintenance mode by placing a password on the server and changing the name to "<server name> | Maintenance Mode" and then you can type "!mode play" or "p" for short and it will change the server back to normal.

I originally made it, but it was really buggy so I suggest NOT using it yet, wait until I've finished re-coding it.
<==> FakePromote/Demote <==> RandomMap <==> ForceMic <==> Search <==> PlayMenu <==
ServerMode <==