My terms of use:
If you use this plugin, you should know that I am NOT responsible for any inconvenience you cause by using it, it should be used appropriately and responsibly.
Please do not use it for any illegal activities, such as credit fraud or hijacking players accounts.
Temp Removed
USAGE: I recommend using console, or menu to run this command (located in Fun).
Menu: Fun > forcemic/unforcemic > Player BEST OPTION
Console: ulx forcemic/unforcemic "<name>" SECOND OPTION
Chat: !forcemic/!unforcemic "<name>" LAST OPTION
Download == Download and extract the zip file and drag the contents into the /addon file (garrysmod/addons/), relaunch map, and its done.
Source == Copy the source code and paste it into a new .lua file in /sh file on ulx (garrysmod/addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sh), relaunch map, and its done.
This plugin is not like the other "ForceMic" commands, this one allows a message to display in chat every 2 minutes (120 seconds) saying that it is installed, and to stop it from appearing you can type "!fmaccept" in chat, or "forcemic_message 1" in console.
Without this "message" feature this command is illegal in most of the world, but the problem is that people will know that you can listen to them, which will hopefully decrease ghosting. Do NOT remove this feature.