Ulysses Stuff > Releases

[TTT] Scoreboard Ranks for ULX - Version 1.2.0

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--- Quote from: GenericDerek on December 10, 2015, 09:07:49 AM ---I just wanted to add my input, when this happened to me, refreshing the ranks showed the MIA and KIA sections, but it wasn't moving some players into them when they were killed.

--- End quote ---

That is... interesting. It unfortunately only makes me even more confused though.

I know it's been more or less a month since a comment was on this addon, and it also already has problems with it not working properly, but just wanted to say, you can easily change the player's name color without changing core files by using the hook TTTScoreboardColorForPlayer (ply) .


--- Quote from: monkeymacman on January 18, 2016, 08:51:48 PM ---I know it's been more or less a month since a comment was on this addon, and it also already has problems with it not working properly, but just wanted to say, you can easily change the player's name color without changing core files by using the hook TTTScoreboardColorForPlayer (ply) .

--- End quote ---
My previous replies about the matter has just been me being misinformed. I believe someone emailed me pointing out that this hook exists. I was planning on adding that feature for 1.2, but I just haven't gotten around to developing it yet due to other distractions.

Can you edit the ranks in a file aswell? like on Easy Scoreboard by Rejax. I´d like to use this Version as its a ULX one, but im not sure if theres a file where you can directly edit ranks.


--- Quote from: Desasterx3 on February 11, 2016, 05:03:54 AM ---Can you edit the ranks in a file aswell? like on Easy Scoreboard by Rejax. I´d like to use this Version as its a ULX one, but im not sure if theres a file where you can directly edit ranks.

--- End quote ---
It's possible, but I don't recommend doing so.

All ranks are saved in a JSON-format inside <Garry's Mod server directory>/data/ttt_sb_ranks/ranks.txt

The file will probably look something like this:

--- Code: ---{"STEAM_0:1:87654321":{"b":0,"color":"colors","r":0,"text":"Colors #1","g":255},"STEAM_0:1:12345678":{"b":0,"color":"rainbow","r":0,"text":"Rainbow #1","g":0}}
--- End code ---

You can copy/paste all of this into something like JSBeautifier, so it's a bit easier to read.
Doing so, it looks something like this:

--- Code: ---{
    "STEAM_0:1:87654321": {
        "b": 0,
        "color": "colors",
        "r": 0,
        "text": "Colors #1",
        "g": 255
    "STEAM_0:1:12345678": {
        "b": 0,
        "color": "rainbow",
        "r": 0,
        "text": "Rainbow #1",
        "g": 0
--- End code ---

And you can manually edit it this way (and run "ulx refreshranks") after editing it to update it on the server.
Keep in mind that you need to follow the proper JSON syntax 100%, as a typing error could mess up the whole ranks file.

But please, if you plan on editing any of the files used by this addon, back them up first.


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