Author Topic: TTT Advanced End Round Music  (Read 75042 times)

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Offline Veazon

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Re: TTT Advanced End Round Music
« Reply #75 on: January 30, 2017, 05:30:05 AM »
Someone asked me to make an end round music script the other day, I thought I'd share it with you all.
This script will stream music from any .mp3 URL source, whether it be .mp3s hosted on your webserver, or a link you found on mp3skull. 
Features include:
-Different tables for different win scenarios (inno, traitor, timeout)
-5 included ulx commands for various things such as playing urls sv/cl side, stopping urls and queuing songs
-Nice looking HUD overlay displaying the name of the sound playing at the end of the round
-Queue system: donators can queue up any url they want that will play at the end round. (3 minute cool down between requests, configurable) and input the name and artist for end round HUD viewing. Admins can remove any queued song.
-Derma GUI with tabs for viewing all sounds loaded into the script, and for viewing all queued sounds. In the music tab it will show the type of song (inno/traitor/timeout), the artist and song name, and the URL. In the queue tab you can see the name of the user who added the song, the song name, and the url. Right click on any entry for various options such as playing that url for the server, for yourself, stopping sounds for the server, stopping sounds for yourself / Playing queued song for server or yourself, and removing any queued song.
Hope some of you find this useful.

Extract the file into your addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/sh folder

HUD Overlay: http://puu.sh/6gghR.jpg
Menu: http://puu.sh/6ggna.jpg
Music tab: http://puu.sh/6ggnR.jpg
Queuing a song:
     Step 1: http://puu.sh/6ggt1.bmp
     Step 2: http://puu.sh/6gguz.bmp
     Done: http://puu.sh/6ggxy.bmp
Queue: http://puu.sh/6ggAe.bmp
Cooldown: http://puu.sh/6ggMC.jpg

After the round i did not hear and my friends did not hear anything too ???

Offline JamminR

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Re: TTT Advanced End Round Music
« Reply #76 on: January 30, 2017, 03:19:47 PM »
After the round i did not hear and my friends did not hear anything too ???
Can you provide a few mp3 URL(s) you tried in the queue?
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