What is this?Something me and a friend spent ages of time on -- anyway -- this just gives you a TF2 hat effect onto your player.
Requirements?TF2 has to be mounted, and ULX and ULib should be up to date on your server so that's fine.
How do I use this?In the chat do !particle NAME PARTICLE
Say I wanted to give Timmy unusual_orbit_fire_dark I would do:
!particle Timmy unusual_orbit_fire_dark
Or myself: !particle WispySkies unusual_orbit_fire_dark
When trying to !stopparticle NAME PARTICLE it ignores the particle argument {which is fine} but clears the newest particle if you have multiple on. (Fixed bug)
Typing "particlehats_print_particles" in your console will give you the particle list.
In the console it says unable to generate X particle (or something!)Write a reply here or on the GitHub page and I'll try to fix that as soon as I can.
Source code? -- Download available here (in .zip)
Change Log:
- Project released
-Fixed stacking particles, removed Circling and some Orbit particles as they stack, and cannot be removed
-You only see the particles in thirdperson, not firstperson so your view is crystal clear. (But they're still there!)
- Tweaked strings to sound better.
- Added an author/coded by (me & Timmy).
- Merged two if SERVER statements
- Moved Particle list (Merging the two if statements caused errors as the particle list wasn't yet declared.)
- Created the convar "particles_user_toggle". When set to 1 anyone may give the self a particle but no one else, players added to the Admin group in users.txt will be allowed to give others, such as the original command without a variable.
- Convar didn't change the access of the command, just changed the target value (such as target = target etc.)
-Deleted convar and user targeting, created ULX errors.
1.4.4 FancyLogAdmin error, missing/mis-ordered syntax.