Author Topic: Uppl -- Ulysses Per Prop Limit. Restrict specified props to a certain number!  (Read 97683 times)

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Offline Megiddo

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Hey I use this and it is the best ever, however is it possible that it can be made more like URestrict? so the server config does not need to be used and it can be changed perm in game?


Don't see any reason why we'd want to do that. It's something you set once and forget about, so how would this be of any benefit?
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Offline Cephalexin

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It's more friendly, if URestrict loadouts was needed to be set in the server.cfg it would be a pain,

what I mean is, with uppl you have to add a line to the server.cfg and restart the server (or type the line in the console)

but, if you do it like urestrict you would not have to bother with editing the server.cfg file, you just open the derma panel for uppl and add the model you want restricted and the number for it and be done with it, you could also let certain admins change them,

it's just an idea :)

Offline Tom

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Where do you put the file with the suggested values?

I have read the readme and it says to put it in the server.cfg or the ulx ones but do you actually physically copy and paste the values and add them to the end of the server.cfg? or do you just dump them as they are next to the file?



Offline Megiddo

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copy and paste into the file
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Offline igiz

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Seems like UPPL stopped working after recent gmod updates.Could som1 fix it,its very usefull addon.

P.S I just checked another server of mine and it is not working there either.It is using same settings as before when it was working,so I am guessing it is the Gmod update which ruined it.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 10:30:44 AM by igiz »

Offline vader0146

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Seems like UPPL stopped working after recent gmod updates.Could som1 fix it,its very usefull addon.

P.S I just checked another server of mine and it is not working there either.It is using same settings as before when it was working,so I am guessing it is the Gmod update which ruined it.

yup seems to be broken.

Offline Kenny_

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It's still working on my server. Could it be something else that broke it?

Offline JamminR

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Ok, remember how NOT to post bugs, 2 perfect examples - "it doesn't work"
Seems like UPPL stopped working after recent gmod updates.<clip> it is not working there either.<clip>
yup seems to be broken.
Though it's good to know you think it's due to Gmod updates, that doesn't help us, especially when someone else reports that it works for them after the updates.

Gmod may be silly unstable about changing it's lua hooks and functions, but one thing it's been stable about for 2-3 years is it's error reporting.
If UPPL is attempting to load at all but failing, you should look for errors in SERVER console when the server is starting.
If it's not erroring out at load, look for errors in server console when players try to spawn items beyond the UPPL limit.
Please post errors, not 'it doesn't work'
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline alext

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I was also wondering why the UPPL suddenly stopped working,I thought it was my server at first but then I saw that people having problems too.

It does not produce any sort of ingame or console error.The only thing it produces is:

Unknown command "uppl_add"
Unknown command "uppl_add"
Unknown command "uppl_add"
Unknown command "uppl_add"
Unknown command "uppl_add"
Unknown command "uppl_add"
Unknown command "uppl_add"
Unknown command "uppl_add"

I have taken this out of the console log file.

Offline Megiddo

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I was also wondering why the UPPL suddenly stopped working,I thought it was my server at first but then I saw that people having problems too.

It does not produce any sort of ingame or console error.The only thing it produces is:

Unknown command "uppl_add"
Unknown command "uppl_add"
Unknown command "uppl_add"
Unknown command "uppl_add"
Unknown command "uppl_add"
Unknown command "uppl_add"
Unknown command "uppl_add"
Unknown command "uppl_add"

I have taken this out of the console log file.

My first thought was something about the ULib changes broke it, but I'm pretty sure this doesn't use ULib.... so I'm at a loss. Do you get any other errors from you server console on map start? I don't think the console log file grabs lua errors.
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Offline alext

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No,don't get anything else.If I try spawn the restricted props no lua error appears but the props is not restricted,its as if the UPPL wouldnt be there,but it is there.It has worked fine,untill the recent gmod updates came along.

Offline JamminR

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I've just tried it in a gmod game, and in a listen server.
Loads both times for me, and uppl_<any command> can be used.
I've not tried it on a dedicated server.
To those who reported the logs with uupl_add <blah> unknown command... where do you have the uppl commands in, what file?
And, while in game, can you go to server console and run uppl_add and have it work?
If so, it's not broken, Garry just changed file execution order.
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Offline alext

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Just noticed strange thing.It does work when I run the command through rcon but.All my restrictions are in server.cfg file but somehow they do not get loaded.

uppl_add models/props_canal/locks_large_b.mdl 0
 in server cfg does not work but when i run the same command manually through rcon it works.

Any ideas how to make it work?

Offline JamminR

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  • Sertafide Ulysses Jenius
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So it seems Garry 'fixed' something by making server.cfg load before the Lua engine does, or at least before UPPL does.
Makes sense, but it causes havoc if used to setting lua commands in server.cfg
If using ULX, you may wish to copy addons/ulx/cfg/server.ini to your gmod/cfg, edit it from within gmod/cfg, add one line to it's end; ulx exec <filename> where file name is...
take all the uppl commands out of your server.cfg, put them in a text file named <filename>.cfg in your gmod/cfg folder.
(I recommend uppl.cfg, obvious, no?)
As for if you don't run ULX, wellll, uh... I can't think of another easy way at the moment.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline superkyol

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I'm having a huge problem with Uppl, it simply will not start. It also won't let me use any other command except "uppl_add," and when I use it, said banned prop is still able to be spawned. :(