Author Topic: Uppl -- Ulysses Per Prop Limit. Restrict specified props to a certain number!  (Read 97732 times)

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Offline AcidWeb

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Code: [Select]
[AD] AcidWeb<STEAM_0:1:15247214> spawned model models/props_c17/oildrum001_explosive.mdl
uppl_add models/props_c17/oildrum001_explosive.mdl 10
That model (models/props_c17/oildrum001_explosive.mdl) does not exist.

Any way to fix this?
Uppl work properly for some props but some ^

Offline Megiddo

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Assuming Linux? If so, garry broke the ability to have upper case letters in files. A workaround was proposed to me, but I haven't had time to implement it yet.
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Offline AcidWeb

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Assuming Linux? If so, garry broke the ability to have upper case letters in files. A workaround was proposed to me, but I haven't had time to implement it yet.


Ok. I will wait :-)

Offline krooks

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I just realized this was asked above. Sorry guys, but I will leave it regardless, perhaps someone found a work around that we can use without the need for an update?

Is this addon still functioning, does anybody know?
I get "model not found" errors while trying to add models to the restriction.

I've done a lot of playing with the paths, all with the same outcome

Running a Linux server
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 11:58:32 PM by krooks »
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Offline Messaice

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Re: Uppl -- Ulysses Per Prop Limit. Restrict specified props to a certain number!
« Reply #109 on: February 01, 2011, 04:38:03 AM »
// Add this to your server.cfg or ULX configs (IE, ULX per map config or per gamemode)

//Prop Limits//

// Explosives
uppl_add models/props_c17/oildrum001_explosive.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_junk/propane_tank001a.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_junk/gascan001a.mdl 0

// Misc
uppl_add models/props_c17/utilitypole01d.mdl 0 // Restricted because some moron tried (but failed) to crash the Ulysses server with this.

// Phx explosives
uppl_add models/props_phx/misc/flakshell_big.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_phx/ww2bomb.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_phx/torpedo.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_phx/mk-82.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_phx/oildrum001_explosive.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_phx/ball.mdl 0

// Big/annoying
uppl_add models/cranes/crane_frame.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_buildings/building_002a.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_buildings/collapsedbuilding02b.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_buildings/collapsedbuilding02c.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_buildings/project_building01.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_buildings/project_building02.mdl 0 // I do believe this is the biggest prop in the game.
uppl_add models/props_buildings/project_building03.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_buildings/project_destroyedbuildings01.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_buildings/row_church_fullscale.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_buildings/row_corner_1_fullscale.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_buildings/row_res_1_fullscale.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_buildings/row_res_2_ascend_fullscale.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_buildings/row_res_2_fullscale.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_buildings/watertower_001a.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_buildings/watertower_002a.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_canal/canal_bridge01.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_canal/canal_bridge02.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_canal/canal_bridge03a.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_canal/canal_bridge03b.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_combine/combine_citadel001.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_001a.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_002a.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_wasteland/rockcliff_cluster01b.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_wasteland/rockcliff_cluster02a.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_wasteland/rockcliff_cluster02b.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props_wasteland/rockcliff_cluster02c.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props/de_nuke/storagetank.mdl 0
uppl_add models/props/de_train/biohazardtank.mdl 0 // This gibs and never goes away

// Phx big/annoying
uppl_add models/props_phx/misc/big_ramp.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_phx/misc/small_ramp.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_phx/playfield.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_phx/huge/tower.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_phx/huge/evildisc_corp.mdl 1

// Gmow3 big/annoying
uppl_add models/trailer1.mdl 0
uppl_add models/ramps/ramp1.mdl 0
uppl_add models/ramps/ramp2.mdl 0

i actually got a problem with this.
i added it to server.cfg. but nothing seems to work :S
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 04:51:28 AM by Messaice »

Offline krooks

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Re: Uppl -- Ulysses Per Prop Limit. Restrict specified props to a certain number!
« Reply #110 on: February 01, 2011, 10:32:36 AM »
i actually got a problem with this.
i added it to server.cfg. but nothing seems to work :S

I have a feeling this broke with some garrysmod update, a work around that I have had to use is Falco's Prop Protection (FPP), it does a nice job of not only restricting props on a per-prop basis, but it also restricts tools, as well as protects props from other people messing with them.
It's quite nice, although, it's not a Ulysses project, unfortunately.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 10:34:47 AM by krooks »
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Offline Messaice

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Re: Uppl -- Ulysses Per Prop Limit. Restrict specified props to a certain number!
« Reply #111 on: February 01, 2011, 11:10:33 AM »
i do know FPP but i rather like Ulysses work (;

it could be awesome, if you guys could update it, so it fit to the new update? =)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 11:42:24 AM by Messaice »

Offline krooks

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Re: Uppl -- Ulysses Per Prop Limit. Restrict specified props to a certain number!
« Reply #112 on: February 02, 2011, 12:31:39 AM »
I prefer Ulysses myself, I was just relating a work around that I have to use in the meantime  ;D
I have found that certain props will crash an OSX user as soon as they are spawned, and being an OSX user (most of the time) I literally had to deny a few props, quickly.
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Offline Messaice

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Re: Uppl -- Ulysses Per Prop Limit. Restrict specified props to a certain number!
« Reply #113 on: February 02, 2011, 04:00:35 AM »
heh :p

- actually i added FPP ones.. but i guess (FFP) fail, since the props started to bug. and so on..

i would appreciate it if Ulysses could update "ULX PROP RESTRICT" =)

Offline krooks

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Re: Uppl -- Ulysses Per Prop Limit. Restrict specified props to a certain number!
« Reply #114 on: February 02, 2011, 01:24:10 PM »
What happened to your props that they bugged?
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Offline Itsalati

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I'm having a little trouble with Uppl for my server. No idea when it originally stopped working, since I only found out about this when some smart person decided to fill flatgrass with PHX skyscrapers. It was only yesterday, a few weeks after, that I finally managed to catch the error before it was punted off the console by activity, the error being:
Code: [Select]
UpplCheckModel Failed: [addons\uppl\lua\autorun\server\uppl.lua:80] Attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
UpplRecordProps Failed: [addons\uppl\lua\autorun\server\uppl.lua:80] Attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

I took a look in the code and saw nothing immediately wrong. Only after sticking in a load of variable tracking did I figure out what the problem might be. Apparently after a server restart, the PlayerInitialSpawn hook isn't called for the very first person connecting so they don't get a table created for them in ModelCounts. It's called fine for everyone else who joins afterwards, but as soon as that first player spawns a Limited prop it errors out and Gmod unhooks all the Prop spawn functions which often ends very badly for me.

Here's a ulx debuginfo. I'm going to go and remove some addons just in case one of them is doing something bad tomorrow. Will appreciate any info you could give me so I can stamp this out. Thanks.
Code: [Select]
ULX version: <SVN> revision 161
ULib version: 2.40
Gamemode: Sandbox
Map: gm_construct_flatgrass_v5
Dedicated server: true

Currently connected players:
Nick                            steamid            uid        id lsh created
Itsalati                        STEAM_0:1:3028069  259341706  1  n   1607
zombiehunter227                 STEAM_0:0:21321683 2742206086 2  n   1648

ULib.ucl.users (#=11):
name = Grahf, Emperor of Darkness
group = demonsgroup
name = [OnA Pests]AuGmENTor
group = pillock
name = PiplupBoy
group = noweapons
group = soloist
name = Soloist
group = noweapons
name = halterman.c
group = liladmin
name = -|KGOH|-xl2awl2x
name = rYgOd420
group = noweapons
name = [KA]=(e)=kansasSammy(KGOH)
group = noweapons
name = Itsalati
group = master
name = [sBf] Jenny
group = liladmin
name = Derutydragon
group = dragon

ULib.ucl.groups (#=13):
color_green = 249
index = 28
name = Donator
health = 750
order = 8
armor = 100
color_red = 81
color_blue = 255
can_target = !%liladmin
1 = ulx votekick
inherit_from = respected
can_target = ^
color_green = 204
index = 24
name = Players
health = 100
armor = 100
order = 4
color_red = 204
color_blue = 204
1 = ulx asay
2 = ulx clientmenu
3 = ulx help
4 = ulx menu
5 = ulx motd
6 = ulx psay
7 = ulx thetime
8 = ulx who
can_target = ^
index = 25
order = 5
color_blue = 255
health = 1
model = magnusson
armor = 0
name = Pillocks
color_red = 208
color_green = 0
1 = ulx votekick
inherit_from = user
name = Players
order = 4
can_target = ^
inherit_from = user
color_green = 0
color_red = 213
name = I hardly ever play
index = 26
armor = 255
order = 6
maxHealth = 4000
color_blue = 0
inherit_from = superduper_dontuse
color_green = 160
index = 31
name = Super Admins
health = 2000
order = 11
armor = 255
color_red = 214
color_blue = 0
can_target = %superadmin
1 = ulx hiddenecho
2 = ulx logchat
3 = ulx logdir
4 = ulx logecho
5 = ulx logechocolorconsole
6 = ulx logechocolordefault
7 = ulx logechocoloreveryone
8 = ulx logechocolormisc
9 = ulx logechocolorplayer
10 = ulx logechocolorplayerasgroup
11 = ulx logechocolors
12 = ulx logechocolorself
13 = ulx logevents
14 = ulx logfile
15 = ulx logjoinleaveecho
16 = ulx logspawns
17 = ulx logspawnsecho
18 = ulx maul
19 = ulx voteecho
20 = xgui_gmsettings
21 = xgui_managebans
22 = xgui_svsettings
inherit_from = admin
name = Pillocks
order = 5
1 = ulx usermanagementhelp
2 = xgui_managegroups
inherit_from = superadmin
deaths = 0
index = 21
runSpeed = 2000
order = 1
color_blue = 33
color_red = 193
health = 4000
armor = 255
name = Grand Inquisitor
jumpPower = 260
color_green = 33
1 = ulx seeasay
2 = ulx_groupallow
ulx = groupallow
inherit_from = superduper_dontuse
can_target = !%superadmin
color_green = 232
index = 30
name = Admins
health = 1000
order = 10
armor = 255
color_red = 52
color_blue = 40
1 = ulx adminmenu
2 = ulx armor
3 = ulx ban
4 = ulx banid
5 = ulx banmenu
6 = ulx blind
7 = ulx bring
8 = ulx chattime
9 = ulx cleardecals
10 = ulx cloak
11 = ulx csay
12 = ulx freeze
13 = ulx gag
14 = ulx gimp
15 = ulx god
16 = ulx goto
17 = ulx hp
18 = ulx ignite
19 = ulx jail
20 = ulx kick
21 = ulx kickafternamechanges
22 = ulx kickafternamechangescooldown
23 = ulx kickafternamechangeswarning
24 = ulx map
25 = ulx mapsmenu
26 = ulx mute
27 = ulx noclip
28 = ulx physgunplayer
29 = ulx playsound
30 = ulx ragdoll
31 = ulx reservedslots
32 = ulx resetspawn
33 = ulx rocket
34 = ulx rslots
35 = ulx rslotsmode
36 = ulx rslotsvisible
37 = ulx seeanonymousechoes
38 = ulx seeasay
39 = ulx send
40 = ulx setspawn
41 = ulx showmotd
42 = ulx slap
43 = ulx slay
44 = ulx spawnecho
45 = ulx spectate
46 = ulx sslay
47 = ulx strip
48 = ulx teleport
49 = ulx tsay
50 = ulx unban
51 = ulx unblind
52 = ulx uncloak
53 = ulx unfreeze
54 = ulx ungag
55 = ulx ungimp
56 = ulx ungod
57 = ulx unignite
58 = ulx unigniteall
59 = ulx unjail
60 = ulx unmute
61 = ulx unragdoll
62 = ulx veto
63 = ulx vote
64 = ulx voteban
65 = ulx votebanminvotes
66 = ulx votebansuccessratio
67 = ulx votekick
68 = ulx votekickminvotes
69 = ulx votekicksuccessratio
70 = ulx votemap2
71 = ulx votemap2minvotes
72 = ulx votemap2successratio
73 = ulx votemapenabled
74 = ulx votemapmapmode
75 = ulx votemapmintime
76 = ulx votemapminvotes
77 = ulx votemapsuccessratio
78 = ulx votemapvetotime
79 = ulx votemapwaittime
80 = ulx welcomemessage
81 = ulx whip
82 = ups disableplayers
83 = ups globaldisable
84 = ups miscdeletionaccess
85 = ups_damage
86 = ups_freeze
87 = ups_physgun
88 = ups_remove
89 = ups_tool
90 = ups_unfreeze
91 = ups_use
92 = ups_vehicle
93 = urestrict allowspawn
94 = urestrict denyspawn
95 = urestrict npcs
96 = urestrict props
97 = urestrict ragdolls
98 = urestrict sents
99 = urestrict vehicles
inherit_from = liladmin
can_target = !%admin
color_green = 175
health = 750
name = Lil' Admins
index = 29
armor = 255
order = 9
color_red = 38
color_blue = 30
1 = ulx adminmenu
2 = ulx ban
3 = ulx banid
4 = ulx banmenu
5 = ulx blind
6 = ulx bring
7 = ulx cleardecals
8 = ulx cloak
9 = ulx freeze
10 = ulx gag
11 = ulx gimp
12 = ulx goto
13 = ulx hiddenecho
14 = ulx ignite
15 = ulx jail
16 = ulx kick
17 = ulx map
18 = ulx maul
19 = ulx mute
20 = ulx noclip
21 = ulx ragdoll
22 = ulx reservedslots
23 = ulx rocket
24 = ulx seeasay
25 = ulx send
26 = ulx slap
27 = ulx slay
28 = ulx spectate
29 = ulx sslay
30 = ulx strip
31 = ulx teleport
32 = ulx unblind
33 = ulx uncloak
34 = ulx unfreeze
35 = ulx ungag
36 = ulx ungimp
37 = ulx unignite
38 = ulx unigniteall
39 = ulx unjail
40 = ulx unmute
41 = ulx unragdoll
42 = ulx voteban
43 = ulx whip
44 = ups miscdeletionaccess
45 = ups_damage
46 = ups_freeze
47 = ups_physgun
48 = ups_remove
49 = ups_tool
50 = ups_unfreeze
51 = ups_use
52 = ups_vehicle
53 = xgui_gmsettings
inherit_from = donator
can_target = !%respected
color_green = 97
index = 27
name = Respected
health = 500
order = 7
armor = 100
color_red = 0
color_blue = 183
1 = ulx armor
2 = ulx asay
3 = ulx csay
4 = ulx god
5 = ulx help
6 = ulx hp
7 = ulx motd
8 = ulx psay
9 = ulx resetspawn
10 = ulx setspawn
11 = ulx thetime
12 = ulx tsay
13 = ulx ungod
14 = ulx vote
15 = ulx who
inherit_from = user
color_green = 0
health = 4000
name = Big Bad Admin
index = 23
armor = 255
order = 3
color_red = 213
color_blue = 0
inherit_from = superduper_dontuse
color_green = 117
index = 22
name = Dragon
health = 4000
order = 2
armor = 255
color_red = 23
color_blue = 0
inherit_from = superduper_dontuse

ULib.ucl.authed (#=2):
group = user
guest = true
name = Itsalati
group = master

Garrysmod default file (#=2):

Active addons on this server:
Adv Duplicator           by TAD2020, version 1.85 (June 28th 2009)
Buoyancy Tool - Wire     by RabidToaster, version 1 (4th May 2008)
cap                      by Iziraider, Boba Fett, Llapp, Madman07, version 2 (none)
cap_resources            by Iziraider, Boba Fett, Llapp, Madman07, version 2 (none)
catdaemon_stargate       by Catdaemon, version  ()
ChatGestures             by Disseminate, version 1 ()
counter-strike           by Valve, version 1 (5th August 2006)
day-of-defeat            by Valve, version 1 (22nd August 2006)
EasyPrecision            by hunter, version 0.9a ((null))
Fin2                     by Q42 + Tad2020, version 1.2999 (lol)
gmdm_resources           by Garry Newman, version 1 (21th August, 2007)
gm_ghosthunt             by Kalny, version 2 (2010)
Hevsuit-Vort             by bigboss15(alias Raph), version 3 (15th august 2010)
hl2_ep2                  by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
laserstool               by MadJawa, version 2.0 SVN (August 1st 2008)
lexical-tools            by Lexi, version 0.1 (10/08/2010)
LightSphere              by Dlaor, version 1.1 (Today)
MaterialFix              by Itsalati, version 1 (29th October 2007)
ModelManipulator         by LuaPineapple , fixed by Fixman, version 1.01 QuickFix (December 25 2009)
nuke3                    by I am McLovin, version 2 ()
OL_MeasuringStick        by OverloadUT, version 1.1 (23th December 2006)
pac                      by (null), version (null) ((null))
PlayX                    by sk89q, version 2.5 ((null))
polyweld                 by Sir Haza, version SVN (SVN)
portal                   by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
PrawnBeta                by OpethRockr55 , version 0.9b921.2034 (NEVER)
Renamon 2009             by GuyNumbers, version 2 (October 10, 2009)
renamonhd                by Oogaboogaman (porting), KP-ShadowSquirrel (model), version 1 (November 2, 2010)
SBEP_Entities            by Firgof Umbra, Hysteria, Slyfo, Paradukes, Fishface, Cerus, version 4 (12th July 2009)
SBEP_Fortifications      by Firgof Umbra, Hysteria, Slyfo, Paradukes, Fishface, Cerus, version 4 (12th July 2009)
SBEP_Models              by Firgof Umbra, Hysteria, Slyfo, Paradukes, Fishface, Cerus, version 4 (12th July 2009)
Smart_Constraint         by Spacetech, Updated by Donkie, version 1.2999 ()
stargate                 by aVoN, version 1.8999 (12th February, 2008)
stargate_resources       by aVoN, version 1 (12th February, 2008)
tf2                      by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
TOOL_stacker_adv         by manJak, version 1 (18th July 2009)
uclip                    by Team Ulysses and Ryno-SauruS, version 1.2 (12/12/10)
ulib                     by Team Ulysses, version 2.4 (00/00/00)
ulx                      by Team Ulysses, version 3.50 SVN (00/00/00)
ULXGive                  by Seth, version 1 (2nd Dec 2009)
ulx_sui_scoreboard_modified_v2 by Suicidal.Banana/BMCha/tascrafts, version ? ()
ULX_SVN_ClearDecals      by .:RynO-SauruS:., version 1 (29th Jan 2010)
Unbreakable              by Chaussetteā„¢, version 1.1 (28th January 2007)
uppl                     by Megiddo (Team Ulysses), version 1 (06/02/07)
UPS                      by Megiddo (Team Ulysses), version 0.9499 (06/20/09)
URestrict                by Jay Rivers, version 2 (3:30 PM 8/28/2009)
utime                    by Megiddo (Team Ulysses), version 1.4099 (08/06/10)
Waterizer                by Meoowe, version 1.1 ((null))
WeightSTool              by Spoco, version 1.21 ((null))
Wenlis Tools             by Wenli, version 1.44 (12th August 2010)
wire                     by Wire Team, version SVN ((null))
wire model pack 1        by Wire Team, version SVN ((null))
wiremodextras            by Anticept and respective developers, version SVN (3rd June 2008)
zeno_clash               by ACE Team, version 1 (May 8th 2009)

An Error Has Occurred!

array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given