Author Topic: Uppl -- Ulysses Per Prop Limit. Restrict specified props to a certain number!  (Read 97689 times)

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Offline Megiddo

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Have you ever wanted to restrict players to say, 10 explosive barrels at a time? Sick of people making 50 bridges at a time? If so, Uppl is for you!

Pronunciation: "Up-ehl"

Extract the uppl folder to garrysmod/addons

Insert limits into a config

uppl_add <model> <number> -- Limit a prop to a certain number.
uppl_disabled <0/1> -- Enable/Disable Uppl on the fly.
uppl_affectadmins <0/1> -- Defaults to 1, set to 0 so admins aren't affected.

Q: Does the normal duplicator, Adv Dup, and Overload's Stacker support this?
A: The first two work out of the box with Uppl, but the Stacker STOOL needs some modification. See this thread for modification instructions.

Suggested Limits:
// Add this to your server.cfg or ULX configs (IE, ULX per map config or per gamemode)

//Prop Limits//

// Explosives
uppl_add models/props_c17/oildrum001_explosive.mdl 10
uppl_add models/props_junk/propane_tank001a.mdl 10
uppl_add models/props_junk/gascan001a.mdl 10

// Misc
uppl_add models/props_c17/utilitypole01d.mdl 16 // Restricted because some moron tried (but failed) to crash the Ulysses server with this.

// Phx explosives
uppl_add models/props_phx/misc/flakshell_big.mdl 10
uppl_add models/props_phx/ww2bomb.mdl 10
uppl_add models/props_phx/torpedo.mdl 10
uppl_add models/props_phx/mk-82.mdl 10
uppl_add models/props_phx/oildrum001_explosive.mdl 10
uppl_add models/props_phx/ball.mdl 10

// Big/annoying
uppl_add models/cranes/crane_frame.mdl 4
uppl_add models/props_buildings/building_002a.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/collapsedbuilding02b.mdl 4
uppl_add models/props_buildings/collapsedbuilding02c.mdl 16
uppl_add models/props_buildings/project_building01.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/project_building02.mdl 1 // I do believe this is the biggest prop in the game.
uppl_add models/props_buildings/project_building03.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/project_destroyedbuildings01.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/row_church_fullscale.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/row_corner_1_fullscale.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/row_res_1_fullscale.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/row_res_2_ascend_fullscale.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/row_res_2_fullscale.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_buildings/watertower_001a.mdl 16
uppl_add models/props_buildings/watertower_002a.mdl 8
uppl_add models/props_canal/canal_bridge01.mdl 4
uppl_add models/props_canal/canal_bridge02.mdl 4
uppl_add models/props_canal/canal_bridge03a.mdl 10
uppl_add models/props_canal/canal_bridge03b.mdl 5
uppl_add models/props_combine/combine_citadel001.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_001a.mdl 4
uppl_add models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_002a.mdl 4
uppl_add models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl 2
uppl_add models/props_wasteland/rockcliff_cluster01b.mdl 8
uppl_add models/props_wasteland/rockcliff_cluster02a.mdl 8
uppl_add models/props_wasteland/rockcliff_cluster02b.mdl 8
uppl_add models/props_wasteland/rockcliff_cluster02c.mdl 8
uppl_add models/props/de_nuke/storagetank.mdl 3
uppl_add models/props/de_train/biohazardtank.mdl 0 // This gibs and never goes away

// Phx big/annoying
uppl_add models/props_phx/misc/big_ramp.mdl 2
uppl_add models/props_phx/misc/small_ramp.mdl 4
uppl_add models/props_phx/playfield.mdl 4
uppl_add models/props_phx/huge/tower.mdl 1
uppl_add models/props_phx/huge/evildisc_corp.mdl 1

// Gmow3 big/annoying
uppl_add models/trailer1.mdl 4
uppl_add models/ramps/ramp1.mdl 4
uppl_add models/ramps/ramp2.mdl 2


Want to suggest a model to add to our default limits? You MUST give us the full model AND a picture of what it looks like in game AND why you think it should be restricted.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2007, 11:22:18 PM by Megiddo »
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Offline Golden-Death

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Dave Chuh uppl?

Offline Megiddo

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Offline JamminR

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Dave Chuh uppl?

Nope GD...
Uppl, its not a drink (Snapple)

We tried different names. It's all Megidd's fault for going with my bad suggestion. :P
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline Golden-Death

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No no, it sounds like Dave Chapelle.

Offline atomicspark

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You forgot a value for citadel. You'll get the "You need at least two arguments for this command." error.

So change
Code: [Select]
uppl_add models/props_combine/combine_citadel001.mdl
Code: [Select]
uppl_add models/props_combine/combine_citadel001.mdl 1

Offline Megiddo

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Fixed. Thanks!
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Offline Chironex

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I haven't tested it yet, but this look awesome. I hope it works! No more people crashing our server with huge/annoying props :)


But i have one question : where to find server.cfg? do you mean server_cfg.txt , from the garrysmod/cfg folder ??
« Last Edit: July 03, 2007, 09:05:38 PM by Kyzer »

Offline atomicspark

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I have been working all day testing which props cause enough lag to bring the server to a standstill. This includes collisions, physics, and props that spawn inside itself. This does not include props that give major fps lag or just plain messy props. I'll update this list after I finish each section.

Todo: CS and DoD.

Code: [Select]
// Useful Construction Props
uppl_add "models\cranes\crane_frame.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\bench01a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\chair02a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\fountain_01.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\furniturechair001a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\furnituredrawer002a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\furniturefireplace001a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\furnituretable003a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\furnituretoilet001a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\gate_door01a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\gate_door02a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\gravestone_statue001a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\lampshade001a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\lockers001a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\metalladder001.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\pulleyhook01.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\utilitypole01a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\utilitypole01b.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\utilitypole01d.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\utilitypole02b.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\utilitypole03a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_canal\canal_bridge01.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_canal\canal_bridge02.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_canal\canal_bridge03a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_canal\canal_bridge03b.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_canal\canal_cap001.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_interiors\furniture_chair01a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_interiors\furniture_shelf01a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_interiors\furniture_vanity01a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_junk\pushcart01a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_junk\trashdumpster02.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_trainstation\mount_connection001a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_trainstation\pole_448connection001a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_trainstation\pole_448connection002b.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_wasteland\coolingtank02.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_wasteland\horizontalcoolingtank04.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_wasteland\kitchen_fridge001a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_wasteland\laundry_cart001.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_wasteland\prison_celldoor001b.mdl" 10

// Useful Comic Props
uppl_add "models\props_c17\bench01a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\chair_kleiner03a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\chair_stool01a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\furnituretoilet001a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\playground_carousel01.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\playground_jungle_gym01a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\playground_swingset01.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\playgroundslide01.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_c17\statue_horse.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_combine\combine_monitorbay.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_combine\combinethumper001a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_combine\combinethumper002.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_combine\combinetower001.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_interiors\furniture_chair01a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_interiors\furniture_shelf01a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_interiors\furniture_vanity01a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_junk\plasticcrate01a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_lab\kennel_physics.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_lab\reciever_cart.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_lab\securitybank.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_lab\servers.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_lab\workspace001.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_lab\workspace002.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_lab\workspace003.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_lab\workspace004.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_trainstation\payphone001a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_trainstation\traincar_seats001.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_vehicles\carparts_axel01a.mdl" 10

// HL2 Vehicles
uppl_add "models\combine_helicopter.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_trainstation\train005.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_trainstation\train002.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_vehicles\tanker001a.mdl" 10

//Special Effects
uppl_add "models\props_foliage\oak_tree01.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_foliage\tree_deciduous_01a.mdl" 10
uppl_add "models\props_foliage\tree_deciduous_02a.mdl" 10
« Last Edit: July 24, 2007, 12:24:29 AM by atomicspark »

Offline Megiddo

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Good list! Nothing from PHX or GMOW3?

Also, I'm planning on making an anti-spammer in the next version. My idea is to ignore dupes and stacks and only make it work for direct spawning. (Yah I realize this is sorta cheezy but I really don't see a way to make it effective on stacks and dupes)
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Offline atomicspark

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Chaussette's Spam Protection script, worked wonders for anti-spamming but it disallowed the ability to use adv duplicator. For this reason only, I couldn't use it on my servers. When I used it, anything more then 1 sec delay pissed off the builders. Setting it to .5 seconds seemed to be a good compromise but you can still spam a server with that. I ended up seeing no point in having a spam protector since most spams will be caught by an admin anyways. Just look how PHPirate bans many a day just buy looking at his logs. Don't get me wrong, Uppl is very nice for keeping a server stable. I just think it would be more useful as a limiter then a spawn delayer. Just my $0.02.

And for the Uppl list, I'll work on DoD and CSS later. I'm taking a break for now. I probably wont test the add-on props, you seemed to nail the bad boys in that group anyways. Remember my list is for stability only, not annoyance factor. ;)

Offline Chironex

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I had problems with some of these limits not working. I discovered that after a certain amount of these lines, others are not executed. Before these restriction lines, i have a few (say 50) addForcedDownload commands. If i disable these forced download (also what you mean Forced (as people can still avoid to download them with a concommand that i can't remember) ?), all is working again.

I've put all the lines into the ulx/lua/ulx/configs/server.ini, maybe that's the problem? Don't you have any problem with many commands being executed at server start ?

Offline Megiddo

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I actually stick it in server.cfg, and there's no problems. I'll have to try putting it in server.ini, don't know why it would be giving you any trouble though.
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Offline Avien

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Do i have to enclose all of these commands in "" in order for them to work? 
« Last Edit: August 03, 2007, 02:15:48 PM by Avien »

Offline Megiddo

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The model part yes
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