I was planning on talking about this on facepunch. But facepunch is well, facepunch.
Lil Story - Was playing a server and some time through Garry joins and I get the achievement. But the only thing is, is that Garry was a 11 years old and was speed hacking, aimbots and walling. Sometime later a second Garry joins. Doing very similar things.
Nothing could be done apparently by the staff. As they couldn't ID ban them and some how they were immune to all ulx commands. Apparently this is a public release for skids on the MPGH forums. So there is a lot of this to come.
Is there any way to stop this currently? Forgive me if this is a simple fix because I lack knowledge of lua hence why I didn't post on facepunch. And as this may relate to the inner working of ulx, it might be better to put forward on here.