Author Topic: Group Allow Adduser  (Read 3067 times)

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Offline Promptitude

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Group Allow Adduser
« on: January 10, 2016, 05:22:09 AM »
I've tried doing many different things to setup this but it just won't work. (The list is very long)
Code: [Select]
ulx groupallow admin "ulx adduser" "!%admin moderator,kitfisto,commanderbly,achef, arcsergeant, 42ndtrooper, skywalker, shadowcommander, wolfpacktrooper, Cguardsiso, 501stmedic, ARFsupport, guardiancap, 5thfleetcpt, clonegen, arctrooper, yularen, Dooku, eventmaster, 212th, sgt, 212thtcaptain, keelicommander, wolfpackcommander, Scorch, ARFShadowo, 327thskycorps, padawan, cguardo, ras, Grievous, clonemedic, 91strecon, havoc, 3rdhavocmedic, Crusadercom, mchef, commanderbacara, 612, jediknight, youngling, maul, phokoon, shaak, ARCL, galacticmarinesmedic, 3rd havoc squadron commander, medctrooper, Master Yoda, ARFmedic, 104thwolfpackmedic, ARCcommander, ARCT, wolfofficer, atin, 91stmedic, Crusadertroop, 41stmedic, kiadimundi, 612o, aaylasecura, engineer, doom, havoccom, 2ndACSniper, ARFShadowt, 501stcap, doomcap, 62ndcaptain, havocs, 42ndcaptain, ARF212, shadowtrooper, ARFcpt, pilot, 2ndcommander, medccommander, 2nd AC Commander, 212air, 2ndACmedic, darman, ARCcaptain, navyo, medccaptain, 2ndACElite, 187th, moderator, guardiancompanyco, 12thOlypianscpt, 5thfleet, macewindu, Sev, 501stlegion, keelitrooper, commandergree, Unknown, shadowmedic, keelimedic, ARFCO, guardiancompany, ARFtroop, Cguard, 5thtroop, commanderneyo, ARF104, fox, chef, niner, 327thmedic, EventMaster, kenobi, climber, 2ndACcap, 2ndactrooper, Cguardsis, 15thcommander, 187thmedic, 212thmedic, 41st, ARF501, commanderrex, Fixer, 212thairc, 5thLT, 41stcaptain, ARF41, trace, jedimaster, MasterChef, trooper, LT, kano, galacticmarines, Boss, fi, commandercody, ARFShadowt, ARFShadowo>"
Code: [Select]
ulx groupallow admin "ulx adduser" "!%admin" "moderator,kitfisto,commanderbly,achef, arcsergeant, 42ndtrooper, skywalker, shadowcommander, wolfpacktrooper, Cguardsiso, 501stmedic, ARFsupport, guardiancap, 5thfleetcpt, clonegen, arctrooper, yularen, Dooku, eventmaster, 212th, sgt, 212thtcaptain, keelicommander, wolfpackcommander, Scorch, ARFShadowo, 327thskycorps, padawan, cguardo, ras, Grievous, clonemedic, 91strecon, havoc, 3rdhavocmedic, Crusadercom, mchef, commanderbacara, 612, jediknight, youngling, maul, phokoon, shaak, ARCL, galacticmarinesmedic, 3rd havoc squadron commander, medctrooper, Master Yoda, ARFmedic, 104thwolfpackmedic, ARCcommander, ARCT, wolfofficer, atin, 91stmedic, Crusadertroop, 41stmedic, kiadimundi, 612o, aaylasecura, engineer, doom, havoccom, 2ndACSniper, ARFShadowt, 501stcap, doomcap, 62ndcaptain, havocs, 42ndcaptain, ARF212, shadowtrooper, ARFcpt, pilot, 2ndcommander, medccommander, 2nd AC Commander, 212air, 2ndACmedic, darman, ARCcaptain, navyo, medccaptain, 2ndACElite, 187th, moderator, guardiancompanyco, 12thOlypianscpt, 5thfleet, macewindu, Sev, 501stlegion, keelitrooper, commandergree, Unknown, shadowmedic, keelimedic, ARFCO, guardiancompany, ARFtroop, Cguard, 5thtroop, commanderneyo, ARF104, fox, chef, niner, 327thmedic, EventMaster, kenobi, climber, 2ndACcap, 2ndactrooper, Cguardsis, 15thcommander, 187thmedic, 212thmedic, 41st, ARF501, commanderrex, Fixer, 212thairc, 5thLT, 41stcaptain, ARF41, trace, jedimaster, MasterChef, trooper, LT, kano, galacticmarines, Boss, fi, commandercody, ARFShadowt, ARFShadowo"
Code: [Select]
ulx groupallow admin "ulx adduser" "!%admin moderator,kitfisto,commanderbly,achef, arcsergeant, 42ndtrooper, skywalker, shadowcommander, wolfpacktrooper, Cguardsiso, 501stmedic, ARFsupport, guardiancap, 5thfleetcpt, clonegen, arctrooper, yularen, Dooku, eventmaster, 212th, sgt, 212thtcaptain, keelicommander, wolfpackcommander, Scorch, ARFShadowo, 327thskycorps, padawan, cguardo, ras, Grievous, clonemedic, 91strecon, havoc, 3rdhavocmedic, Crusadercom, mchef, commanderbacara, 612, jediknight, youngling, maul, phokoon, shaak, ARCL, galacticmarinesmedic, 3rd havoc squadron commander, medctrooper, Master Yoda, ARFmedic, 104thwolfpackmedic, ARCcommander, ARCT, wolfofficer, atin, 91stmedic, Crusadertroop, 41stmedic, kiadimundi, 612o, aaylasecura, engineer, doom, havoccom, 2ndACSniper, ARFShadowt, 501stcap, doomcap, 62ndcaptain, havocs, 42ndcaptain, ARF212, shadowtrooper, ARFcpt, pilot, 2ndcommander, medccommander, 2nd AC Commander, 212air, 2ndACmedic, darman, ARCcaptain, navyo, medccaptain, 2ndACElite, 187th, moderator, guardiancompanyco, 12thOlypianscpt, 5thfleet, macewindu, Sev, 501stlegion, keelitrooper, commandergree, Unknown, shadowmedic, keelimedic, ARFCO, guardiancompany, ARFtroop, Cguard, 5thtroop, commanderneyo, ARF104, fox, chef, niner, 327thmedic, EventMaster, kenobi, climber, 2ndACcap, 2ndactrooper, Cguardsis, 15thcommander, 187thmedic, 212thmedic, 41st, ARF501, commanderrex, Fixer, 212thairc, 5thLT, 41stcaptain, ARF41, trace, jedimaster, MasterChef, trooper, LT, kano, galacticmarines, Boss, fi, commandercody, ARFShadowt, ARFShadowo"
Code: [Select]
ulx groupallow admin "ulx adduser" "!%admin" "moderator,kitfisto,commanderbly,achef, arcsergeant, 42ndtrooper, skywalker, shadowcommander, wolfpacktrooper, Cguardsiso, 501stmedic, ARFsupport, guardiancap, 5thfleetcpt, clonegen, arctrooper, yularen, Dooku, eventmaster, 212th, sgt, 212thtcaptain, keelicommander, wolfpackcommander, Scorch, ARFShadowo, 327thskycorps, padawan, cguardo, ras, Grievous, clonemedic, 91strecon, havoc, 3rdhavocmedic, Crusadercom, mchef, commanderbacara, 612, jediknight, youngling, maul, phokoon, shaak, ARCL, galacticmarinesmedic, 3rd havoc squadron commander, medctrooper, Master Yoda, ARFmedic, 104thwolfpackmedic, ARCcommander, ARCT, wolfofficer, atin, 91stmedic, Crusadertroop, 41stmedic, kiadimundi, 612o, aaylasecura, engineer, doom, havoccom, 2ndACSniper, ARFShadowt, 501stcap, doomcap, 62ndcaptain, havocs, 42ndcaptain, ARF212, shadowtrooper, ARFcpt, pilot, 2ndcommander, medccommander, 2nd AC Commander, 212air, 2ndACmedic, darman, ARCcaptain, navyo, medccaptain, 2ndACElite, 187th, moderator, guardiancompanyco, 12thOlypianscpt, 5thfleet, macewindu, Sev, 501stlegion, keelitrooper, commandergree, Unknown, shadowmedic, keelimedic, ARFCO, guardiancompany, ARFtroop, Cguard, 5thtroop, commanderneyo, ARF104, fox, chef, niner, 327thmedic, EventMaster, kenobi, climber, 2ndACcap, 2ndactrooper, Cguardsis, 15thcommander, 187thmedic, 212thmedic, 41st, ARF501, commanderrex, Fixer, 212thairc, 5thLT, 41stcaptain, ARF41, trace, jedimaster, MasterChef, trooper, LT, kano, galacticmarines, Boss, fi, commandercody, ARFShadowt, ARFShadowo"
Code: [Select]
ulx groupallow admin "ulx adduser" "!%admin <moderator,kitfisto,commanderbly,achef, arcsergeant, 42ndtrooper, skywalker, shadowcommander, wolfpacktrooper, Cguardsiso, 501stmedic, ARFsupport, guardiancap, 5thfleetcpt, clonegen, arctrooper, yularen, Dooku, eventmaster, 212th, sgt, 212thtcaptain, keelicommander, wolfpackcommander, Scorch, ARFShadowo, 327thskycorps, padawan, cguardo, ras, Grievous, clonemedic, 91strecon, havoc, 3rdhavocmedic, Crusadercom, mchef, commanderbacara, 612, jediknight, youngling, maul, phokoon, shaak, ARCL, galacticmarinesmedic, 3rd havoc squadron commander, medctrooper, Master Yoda, ARFmedic, 104thwolfpackmedic, ARCcommander, ARCT, wolfofficer, atin, 91stmedic, Crusadertroop, 41stmedic, kiadimundi, 612o, aaylasecura, engineer, doom, havoccom, 2ndACSniper, ARFShadowt, 501stcap, doomcap, 62ndcaptain, havocs, 42ndcaptain, ARF212, shadowtrooper, ARFcpt, pilot, 2ndcommander, medccommander, 2nd AC Commander, 212air, 2ndACmedic, darman, ARCcaptain, navyo, medccaptain, 2ndACElite, 187th, moderator, guardiancompanyco, 12thOlypianscpt, 5thfleet, macewindu, Sev, 501stlegion, keelitrooper, commandergree, Unknown, shadowmedic, keelimedic, ARFCO, guardiancompany, ARFtroop, Cguard, 5thtroop, commanderneyo, ARF104, fox, chef, niner, 327thmedic, EventMaster, kenobi, climber, 2ndACcap, 2ndactrooper, Cguardsis, 15thcommander, 187thmedic, 212thmedic, 41st, ARF501, commanderrex, Fixer, 212thairc, 5thLT, 41stcaptain, ARF41, trace, jedimaster, MasterChef, trooper, LT, kano, galacticmarines, Boss, fi, commandercody, ARFShadowt, ARFShadowo>"
I went on another forum post to see if that could help at all (as you can see the methods I have tried).

For some of them it only allows them to promote players to moderator.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 06:29:54 AM by Promptitude »

Offline Timmy

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Re: Group Allow Adduser
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2016, 07:18:37 AM »
Usage: ulx groupallow <group> <command> [<access tag>] - Add to a group's access.

The syntax below is the correct one:

ulx groupallow admin "ulx adduser" "!%admin <group1,group2,group3>"

Allow the admin group to add players that are NOT in the admin group, or a group that inherits from it to group1, group2 and group3.

Console commands that go beyond the 255 character limit are truncated which is probably why things are not working properly.

To work around this limitation: set these restrictions using XGUI or manually set the correct access tag in data/ulib/groups.txt.

I don't know if it's a good idea to have that many groups though.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 07:31:59 AM by Timmy »

Offline Promptitude

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Re: Group Allow Adduser
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2016, 07:21:31 AM »
I don't know if it's a good idea to have that many groups though.
I didn't set them up, and I commented on this as well. Thanks for the help :)

Offline Promptitude

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Re: Group Allow Adduser
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2016, 07:39:46 AM »
I used the XGUI before with these methods and it still doesn't seem to work. I've laid it out like this:
Code: [Select]
"ulx adduser"
"!%admin <moderator,kitfisto,commanderbly,achef, arcsergeant, 42ndtrooper, skywalker, shadowcommander, wolfpacktrooper, Cguardsiso, 501stmedic, ARFsupport, guardiancap, 5thfleetcpt, clonegen, arctrooper, yularen, Dooku, eventmaster, 212th, sgt, 212thtcaptain, keelicommander, wolfpackcommander, Scorch, ARFShadowo, 327thskycorps, padawan, cguardo, ras, Grievous, clonemedic, 91strecon, havoc, 3rdhavocmedic, Crusadercom, mchef, commanderbacara, 612, jediknight, youngling, maul, phokoon, shaak, ARCL, galacticmarinesmedic, 3rd havoc squadron commander, medctrooper, Master Yoda, ARFmedic, 104thwolfpackmedic, ARCcommander, ARCT, wolfofficer, atin, 91stmedic, Crusadertroop, 41stmedic, kiadimundi, 612o, aaylasecura, engineer, doom, havoccom, 2ndACSniper, ARFShadowt, 501stcap, doomcap, 62ndcaptain, havocs, 42ndcaptain, ARF212, shadowtrooper, ARFcpt, pilot, 2ndcommander, medccommander, 2nd AC Commander, 212air, 2ndACmedic, darman, ARCcaptain, navyo, medccaptain, 2ndACElite, 187th, moderator, guardiancompanyco, 12thOlypianscpt, 5thfleet, macewindu, Sev, 501stlegion, keelitrooper, commandergree, Unknown, shadowmedic, keelimedic, ARFCO, guardiancompany, ARFtroop, Cguard, 5thtroop, commanderneyo, ARF104, fox, chef, niner, 327thmedic, EventMaster, kenobi, climber, 2ndACcap, 2ndactrooper, Cguardsis, 15thcommander, 187thmedic, 212thmedic, 41st, ARF501, commanderrex, Fixer, 212thairc, 5thLT, 41stcaptain, ARF41, trace, jedimaster, MasterChef, trooper, LT, kano, galacticmarines, Boss, fi, commandercody, ARFShadowt, ARFShadowo>"
But it still doesn't seem to work.

Offline Timmy

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Re: Group Allow Adduser
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2016, 07:46:19 AM »
Sorry, I should have been more clear. You'd have to do this in XGUI via the "groups" tab.

I made an assumption and I was completely wrong. It doesn't matter whether you use the group manager or not.

RunConsoleCommand (which XGUI uses behind the scenes) has a character limit of ~500 characters. Commands that exceed that limit will be ignored.

In that case, you'll have to manually set the correct access tag in groups.txt.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 09:16:54 AM by Timmy »

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Re: Group Allow Adduser
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2016, 01:55:37 PM »
Though ULX allows for much easier group modification and control, you, or the host/server owner you're trying to help, apparently have little understanding of the differences between (teams/jobs/rpnames) versus (group) control.

No administrator in their educated right mind should have that many groups.
And I'm not just saying this for ULX, but in any game or operating system where access control lists (ACL) are used.
If you have "admin" level users that should be that limited, not only do you have too many groups, you have people with admin access that shouldn't have it.

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