Author Topic: ULX Motd on dedicated server not showing up  (Read 14767 times)

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Re: ULX Motd on dedicated server not showing up
« Reply #30 on: February 29, 2016, 08:06:17 AM »
This is a fairly recent change, so do make sure you're running the absolute latest versions of ULX/ULib. The new MOTD screen looks like this:
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Re: ULX Motd on dedicated server not showing up
« Reply #31 on: February 29, 2016, 02:43:00 PM »
There is literally no option to specifically enable the MOTD to show up when players join. I searched the entire XGUI menu.

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Re: ULX Motd on dedicated server not showing up
« Reply #32 on: February 29, 2016, 03:19:42 PM »
Did you delete any files from ULX? Try reinstalling.
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Re: ULX Motd on dedicated server not showing up
« Reply #33 on: February 29, 2016, 03:21:16 PM »
I'm using the Workshop version, it's impossible for me to delete any files that relate to functionality or "options" in the addon.

Can you please stop talking to me like I know nothing about this? I'm merely asking about how to make the MOTD show up when players join my server and there have been almost 40 replies with no answer or conclusion.

EDIT: Also, if I deleted files I would surely get errors while I am on my server and I have not noted having any here.

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Re: ULX Motd on dedicated server not showing up
« Reply #34 on: February 29, 2016, 09:37:34 PM »
Megiddo, Stickly Man, and feldma have all been extremely nice in spending their time attempting to help you with your very specific problem, and you're getting mad that they're trying to explain it in a simple manner and that they haven't yet come up with a solution. If you wanted someone to cater to your every whim then maybe an open source project provided to you completely free of charge wasn't the best choice.

Everyone is doing their best, sorry it's not good enough for you.

On a less blunt and irritated note:

As Megiddo suggested, try reinstalling. That is, backing up any important things in your data/ulx and data/ulib files and deleting those folders (garrysmod/data/ulib and ulx). Then removing the ULib and ULX .gma files (and ULib or ULX folders, but you shouldn't have those) from your addons folder. Make sure your server is not running while you're removing/backing up these files. Finally, restart your server and look in the Settings -> Server tab in XGUI (make sure you're superadmin) for the ULX MOTD settings.

If you still can't find the ULX MOTD settings, take a screenshot of your Settings -> Server tab in XGUI and post it here. If you want you can try to install the workshop on a clean server to see if it's an addon conflict, but I doubt there would be such a severe conflict to remove an entire list item from XGUI.

Finally, when giving support we usually try to make it as simple as possible to follow. Don't take this as an insult to your intelligence or knowledge; we're just trying to accommodate many levels of experience with these topics and even if you understand the concepts some other person referring to this later may not.
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Re: ULX Motd on dedicated server not showing up
« Reply #35 on: February 29, 2016, 09:46:57 PM »
I never meant to irritate you but the bare answers i was getting from Megiddo(sp) were super stripped of any description.

Anyway, I see the ULX MOTD settings. However, as stated multiple times already, I do not ser an option to have the motd show when players join. Automatically, that is.

I apologize if I came across as an asshole. This is just really frustrating.

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Re: ULX Motd on dedicated server not showing up
« Reply #36 on: March 01, 2016, 08:03:23 AM »
It's highly likely we misunderstood the actual issue- we are very busy, and sometimes skim through posts a little too quickly. (And yes, we get many threads, emails, and issues regarding user-error type things, so we often quickly pass off real issues or bugs as such).

I think a lot of the misunderstanding is that the ULX MOTD is supposed to show up to all users on startup if it is enabled (mode is not 0). We don't currently have a configuration option to have the MOTD enabled, but not show up to users on join. So naturally, we assumed issues with the MOTD configuration.

If you click the 'Preview MOTD' button in XGUI with your current settings, does the MOTD show up properly? If not, then there is some sort of configuration issue or bug that needs to be looked at. If it does show up, then it's very likely a bug with the startup code that triggers the MOTD, which needs to be looked at.

One thing you might try (if you can) is running ULX/ULib on it's own- temporarily remove any other addons or gamemodes so it's running in vanilla sandbox. If it does start working, then it could potentially be a conflicting addon or heavy load times on player join that's preventing the MOTD from opening.

Anyways, check those things and post back here. I'd be happy to take a look at the issue myself and see what's going wrong with it. Add me on steam: and post/PM me your steam username if it's significantly different than your forum name here.
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Re: ULX Motd on dedicated server not showing up
« Reply #37 on: March 01, 2016, 08:05:37 AM »
I understand completely.

The MOTD shows up when I click 'preview'. I have also removed all workshop addons and the issue still persists.

I will add you on steam for further help. My steam name is the same as on here.

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Re: ULX Motd on dedicated server not showing up
« Reply #38 on: March 01, 2016, 09:24:41 AM »
Back up your server and do a clean install of Garry's Mod, then add ULib and ULX and test to see if the MOTD is working. Add addons back one at a time, verifying that the MOTD appears each time. Once it stops appearing, you know you have a conflict. If it never stops appearing, then great, you have a working MOTD! If you have a conflict you/we could try to figure out why the conflict is occurring or you could just remove the addon/try to find an alternative option.
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Offline TheSenDest

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Re: ULX Motd on dedicated server not showing up
« Reply #39 on: March 01, 2016, 09:26:27 AM »

If you read the OP I state that I am renting the server so it's impossible for me to "uninstall" GMod. Also, I have already removed all addons from the server.

Please read before posting "answers".

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Re: ULX Motd on dedicated server not showing up
« Reply #40 on: March 01, 2016, 01:06:02 PM »
Back up your server and do a clean install of Garry's Mod, then add ULib and ULX and test to see if the MOTD is working.

If you read the OP I state that I am renting the server so it's impossible for me to "uninstall" GMod. Also, I have already removed all addons from the server.
Please read before posting "answers".

He means reinstall it, not uninstall it.
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Re: ULX Motd on dedicated server not showing up
« Reply #41 on: March 01, 2016, 01:07:46 PM »
It's the same principle...

It's already been discovered what the issue is anyway. Seems to be a problem with the addon itself and net messages.

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Re: ULX Motd on dedicated server not showing up
« Reply #42 on: March 01, 2016, 01:27:59 PM »
I spent some time in TheSenDest's server to help him figure the issue out. I suspected another addon was potentially returning true on PlayerInitialSpawn hook. We removed two particular addons "Atmos" and one other, and suddenly the MOTD started working! We added back in the other addon, and it still worked fine. Curious, we ran the server with just ULX, ULib and Atmos, and.. the MOTD still worked.  It appears that my initial assumption is true:

If it does start working, then it could potentially be a conflicting addon or heavy load times on player join that's preventing the MOTD from opening.

Really heavy load times due to lots of addons seems to be preventing the client from receiving the net message to open the MOTD. I will talk to Megiddo and see what we can do.

EDIT: Looked through this with Megiddo. This is appearing to be an issue with registering net messages and them being sent too early. Still investigating, but we may end up filing a bug report eventually.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 02:14:59 PM by Stickly Man! »
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Re: ULX Motd on dedicated server not showing up
« Reply #43 on: March 01, 2016, 06:55:01 PM »
Well I'm glad someone figured out his problem...
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